And Now For Something Really Cute…Special SGHQ Edition0
Posted In Activism,All Things SG,Animals,Blog
by Blogbot
Featuring Vega (the Chihuahua) and Sydney (the Doberman Pinscher) – Pictured with their mistresses ViquiV (L) and Jessytai (R).
Sydney and her mom (social media maven Jessytai) are the newest members of the SuicideGirls HQ team. Sydney really loves her fellow four-legged co-worker Vega, and since they’re so damn cute together, we thought we ought to introduce them to you…
- NAME: Sydney
- INTO: Snuggling, sleeping, treats, warm beds and sunbathing.
- NOT INTO: Loud noises, the rain, and being alone.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: When my mommy gives me the plate to “clean off” when she’s done eating.
- MAKES ME SAD: When my mommy leaves.
- HOBBIES: Sleeping.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My mommy, treats, my best friend Yogi, my stairs that go up to my mommy’s bed – oh and did I already say treats?
- VICES: Barking at the mail man (I’m such a cliché, I know!).
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping or begging for food.
- NAME: Vega
- INTO: Laps, sunshine, and stuffed animals.
- NOT INTO: The rain, thunder, intruders, and pooping in the dark.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Getting attention.
- MAKES ME SAD: Being left alone.
- HOBBIES: Chasing my tail, day dreaming, and being cute.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My stuffed monkey, my stuffed tiger, my rope, chicken treats, and a good comfy lap.
- VICES: Barking at Postal workers, delivery men/women or pretty much anyone coming to the door.
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