by David Seaman
As I pointed out on my illustrious Twitter stream earlier today, MSNBC has literally gotten to the point where their bottom-of-the-screen Chyron declares that Obama “owned” Romney in the debates (very journalistic, guys!), while a quick pass over to ideological arch-rival FOX News shows basically the exact opposite: Romney. Strong. Leader. Family Man. Whatever.
The cable networks are vampires screaming as the light hits their overly make-upped, ideologically whored out faces.
You can’t avoid the light.
Rather than being lied to by television news “personalities” with little control over their own programming, it’s time to wise up, own up, and pursue those that are committed to telling you the truth. Here are some of my personal favorites. Follow all of them if you prefer truth to lies.
Abby Martin – RT America’s Breaking The Set
This ruthless truth slinger delights in slamming multi-billion dollar biotech conglomerates, corporate corruption, military-industrial complex lies, and everything else wrong with (mostly beautiful) America. With journalists like Martin at the helm of their own TV shows, we might actually be able to reverse the rot and fix some of the problems here at home. Follow @AbbyMartin and watch the show over at youtube.com/breakingtheset, unless your cable provider has RT America, in which case watch her at 6 PM EST on weekdays.
Ben Swann – Fox 19
Ben Swann is the proverbial mainstream media badass. He’s an impeccable broadcaster who has never sold out to hyperbole, lies, or corporate pressure. Follow @Fox19BenSwann and watch his show at youtube.com/user/BenSwannRealityCheck. He is one of the few, if not the only US journalist, to question President Obama on-camera about the NDAA’s imprisonment without trial provisions.
Joe Rogan
A podcast heavyweight and a public intellectual with some interesting day jobs (Fear Factor and UFC host). Subscribe to the nearly 3-hour long “Joe Rogan Experience” on iTunes, Stitcher, or go over to joerogan.net. Seriously one of the better life decisions you will ever make. You’re welcome.
Glenn Greenwald
Well, here’s an excerpt from Greenwald’s bio: “Glenn Greenwald is a columnist on civil liberties and US national security issues for the Guardian. A former constitutional lawyer, he was until 2012 a contributing writer at Salon.” This fearless man of letters is everything right with online media. Follow @ggreenwald and go to guardian.co.uk/profile/glenn-greenwald constantly.
Amber Lyon – Former CNNer
Amber Lyon keeps it real @AmberLyon, championing Freedom of Speech issues and campaigning against the NDAA. A three time Emmy Award winning journalist, Amber is fearless in her protest coverage, be it in Anaheim or Bahrain. She has been crushed, pepper sprayed, and shot at during the course of her work. A media empire is coming soon.
Suicide Girls
But you knew that already.
David Seaman is an independent journalist who is running for Congress in Florida’s 23 District as an independent candidate in 2014. He has been a lively guest on CNN Headline News, FOX News, ABC News Digital, among others, and is the host of The David Seaman Hour. Some say he was recently censored by a certain large media corporation for posting a little too much truth…
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[…] the past 20 years. In fact, I currently work for an independent candidate some of you may know – David Seaman. I can honestly say, if I lived in David’s district there isn’t a snowball’s […]