Doing It With Jensen: Homemade Ice Cream Redux – Herbal Peanut Butter Edition5
Posted In Blog,DIY,Food & Drink,Vegan,Vegetarian
by Jensen
Yummmm. This recipe is inspired by an SG member that told me about his yummy ice cream variation with lavender, another member blogging about pumpkin pot pie (see what I did there?), and an, um, interesting graduation present I received from a friend. If you aren’t really into cooking with medicinal substances and/or don’t have a valid prescription from your doctor, then you can definitely tweak the recipe to suit your needs :]. And if you guys need a refresher on ice cream making, here is a video on how easy it is to make (with nothing more hi tech than two ziplock bags and a few hunks of ice to do the chillin’):
What You’ll Need
- About 1 1/2 cups whole milk or half-and-half
- 2 tablespoons peanut butter
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- An empty tea bag (you can just cut the top off one, empty the contents, and staple it shut
- A little over a teaspoon of decent herb
- About 8 tablespoons of salt
- A gallon sized ziplock bag and an quart sized ziplock bag
- A double broiler pot, or just a small pot and a larger one
- Two cups of ice
1. Fill your larger pot with a few cups of water. Put enough water so that it goes about half way up your smaller pan, when placed inside of it. Turn the stove on low.
2. Put 1 1/2 cups of whole milk or half and half into the small pot. Half and half will probably produce stronger ice cream. I guess it just depends on if you want to chillax for the evening or if you want to be spicoli. Put about one teaspoon of greenery, or a little bit more, into an empty tea bag, then staple it shut.
3. Let your teabag hang out in the milk, over very low heat, for 1 to 2 hours. Again, it just depends on how delicious/therapeutic you would like your ice cream to be. Stir it every once in a while.
4. After your milk is all loaded up with reparative goodies, turn the heat off and add two tablespoons of both sugar and peanut butter. It will probably look pretty chunky and gross. Put that in the fridge or freezer until it is chilly.
5. Take the teabag out and pour the mixture into a quart sized plastic bag. In a gallon sized bag, add two cups of ice and 6-8 tablespoons of salt. Put the small bag inside of the large bag.
6. Put on an oven mitt and shake the shit out of those bags. Until, you know, it looks like ice cream.
7. Cut one of the corners of the small bag and squeeze the contents into a bowl. Eat. Enjoy. And have a dang nice night.
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