From The Archives: Alan Moore – The Mirror of Love0
Posted In Blog,Books,Comics,Entertainment,Interviews
“For three years we were living quite openly in a very sordid relationship.” – Alan Moore
When I got the email confirming that I was going to get to interview Alan Moore I was giddy. The man has been one of my major idols since I first read Watchmen back in the mid-80s. Since then I have devoured as much of his work as possible from the early Miracleman days up until his recent novel, The Voice of Fire.
I often think I have read all of his comic book stories then some company will pull an older work I have never even heard of and reprint it. That is exactly what Chris Staros and Top Shelf Comix has done. The Mirror of Love was originally a short poem written by Moore with illustrations by Steve Bissette and Rick Veitch. Artist Jose Villarrubia has put a new spin on it by breaking the words up and accompanying them with his photographs.
Moore and I had a long conversation that was as much fun as reading any one of his works. His accent is a hoot and even at the end he was nice enough to ask if I had enough material. I told him that I did, but I imagined us talking well into the night and becoming best friends. Sadly I dont think that will happen, but please enjoy our talk. We spoke about his nearing retirement, where he likes to vacation, and a possible project with Dave Gibbons.