“Christian groups are holding candlelight vigils outside the network headquarters”
– Tom Kapinos
Hank Moody eases his convertible sports car onto the long and twisting road that snakes through Hollywood Forever Cemetary, making his way past the ponds, tombs and exotic birds that roam the grounds. A cigarette dangles from his lips and it looks like he might have had one too many drinks the night before and perhaps, just moments ago, kicked some strange woman-child out of his bed. He pulls up to a church and promptly douses his cigarette in holy water.
Hank is having what he calls a crisis of faith and thinks perhaps God can help ease his writers block. No such luck. Instead of uttering the usual Our Fathers or Hail Marys, Hank gets a blowjob from a nun. Sweet baby Jesus, he says. Hank is going to Hell. Welcome to Hanks world. Welcome to Californication, Showtime’s hit series.
When writer Tom Kapinos sat down to write the character of Hank Moody he broke all the rules. Writers arent supposed to write about other writers, especially writers with writers block in Hollywood. But somewhere in breaking that rule, Kapinos created a character so oddly appealing, the audience cant seem to figure out whether they love him or hate him. All the audience knows is that they can’t ignore him.
David Duchovny shines as Hank, a disgruntled writer facing a mid-life crisis and trying to find his way in the City of Angels after his last novel was devoured by the Hollywood machine. As Kapinos explains, Hank is a ‘70s anti-hero of sorts, one whos books are titled after Slayer albums, lives in a world where sex is matter of fact, and has a terrible tendency to not lie.
Also on the show is a character named Dani – an agents assistant by day, and SuicideGirl for life. Kapinos contacted Missy to help turn actress Rachel Miner into DaniCA Suicide by giving her the right attitude and of course the right look. Check out the video of her amazing transformation here.
Read our exclusive interview with Tom Kapinos on SuicideGirls.com.