by Jay Hathaway
“The thing you loved as a kid is the thing you should do when you grow up.”
– Paul Pope
Paul Pope has built a reputation as a visionary artist and writer on the strength of some of the most acclaimed graphic novels of the past decade, including Heavy Liquid and 100%. His multiple-Eisner-winning story, Batman: Year 100, immersed the dark knight in the same kind of near-future dystopia that makes his creator-owned work so thrilling. If you saw The Dark Knight this summer, you saw a motorcycle that looks remarkably similar to the one Paul designed for Year 100.
That’s not the only place Paul’s work has come to life outside of the printed page. Earlier this year, he was picked by DKNY Jeans to design a line of men’s clothes for their fall collection. His original characters are also entering the third dimension as vinyl toys from Kidrobot. As if all of this isn’t enough, we still haven’t seen the main event. THB, the self-published sci-fi epic that launched Paul’s career, is drawing to a close after more than a decade. Both the faithful and the uninitiated are in for a treat in 2010, when THB will finally be widely available — and greatly expanded — in a multi-volume series (Total THB). And we’re not done yet: just before he releases Total THB, Paul is kicking the door in with a new story called Battling Boy, about a kid hero who takes on a gang of mythical monsters.
Suicide Girls chatted with Paul about all of this and more.
Read our exclusive interview with Paul Pope on SuicideGirls.com.