Got Problems? Sex, Love and Relationship Advice From SuicideGirls’ Team Agony0
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Love,Relationships,Sex,Society
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Galda, Rosaleigh, and Koshil
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.
Q. I’m 17 years old and I’ve been with this girl for about a year and a half on the 27th. The only problem is that she moved to California in July, and I don’t know what to do anymore. I miss her so much and talking on the phone doesn’t fill the hole like it used to. I need advice.
A. You sound like you really love her dearly, so my advice to you is to try every avenue until you find one that works for the both of you. Try easy options first, like Skype. This way you’ll not only be hearing her voice but seeing her too, and this may help to fill the void you’re feeling.
If this just isn’t what you want (I know it probably wouldn’t be enough for me) then you’re going to have to figure out a way for you to visit her, or for her to visit you. Even seeing each other for one weekend in two months is better than nothing. However I understand this might not be logical given your age and/or financial situation.
My last suggestion is to write proper letters – actual things you post. Remember those? To me, letters can be so personal, filled with so much love. Having something you know your loved one has touched can make you feel closer to them. You can enclose little gifts, give it a spritz of your perfume, and include little private jokes between yourself.
Remember to not always write about how much you miss her. Make sure you write about your day or a little story, otherwise it’ll get boring quickly. I really hope you find a way to keep each other happy during this long distance relationship. But if it doesn’t go as well as hoped, don’t worry and keep you’re head up, it’s never the end of the world.
Love Galda x
Q. I have this dear friend who has this habit of incessantly bragging about his accomplishments, or boasting about his intelligence. He’s extremely sensitive and pleasant to be around in every other aspect, but sometimes his immodesty really irritates me. How do I tell him he’s coming off as a bit arrogant without hurting his feelings?
A. You really can’t. Everyone has an ego. You can’t criticize anyone, even in a constructive way, without them taking it to heart. Everyone takes everything personally.
To be very honest, I’m not usually the type to spare feelings, especially with my guy friends. If someone is tooting their own horn and being that guy, I call them out on it. Sometimes, in a group of close friends, it can go over pretty well – everyone can say their part, giggle about it and move on. The message is sent to your buddy, but not in a way that makes him feel like you’ve led an intervention. You brought something up, everyone agreed and poked a little fun. That takes a little of the sting out of it, but leaves your friend with something to ponder.
What you can do is soften the blow with a little something I learned in grade school: My teacher called it the “Positive Sandwich.” Start a conversation by pointing out something good about your friend. Boost the ego a little, make them smile about themselves. Follow that by gently introducing what you think needs to be worked on (the modesty issue), but keep the conversation in a positive note. It’s not always a bad thing when someone suggests something new to work on right? Give your friend time to discuss it with you. Sure, he may be a bit defensive and hurt at first, but could you blame him? Show empathy. I know I feel more comfortable and receptive when someone makes it a point to relate to me. Conclude with another positive, assuming the conversation continued to go well. Remind your friend that you love him.
Different approaches will work for different people. I always believe that honesty is the best policy. The way you present the facts can make or break the point you need to get across. Just make sure to read your friend well, initiate your conversation in an appropriate environment (maybe at a concert, yelling across other people, isn’t the best idea), and show your friend that you care and mean well. Good luck!
Q. With the decline of the economy I have lost my job and am now in college for a real career. I had to move out to my mother’s house. I’m already a chubby guy but the problem is I can’t find a good woman, especially one that will drive me crazy (in a good way). I love thick women with tattoos, but can’t seem to get with one. Got any tips?
A. You seem like a lovely down to earth guy, so getting a girl you want should be easy. The hardest part is meeting one that ticks your boxes. However, it is not impossible! You’re into chicks with tattoos right? Maybe you could try dating sites that specifically cater to tattooed people. Or, if you’re not comfortable with online dating, how about going to tattoo conventions near you, they are always a good place to meet like minded people!
I wish you the very best of luck. Remember to just be yourself and the rest will follow. She will be one very lucky lady!
Got Problems? Let SuicideGirls crack team of Agony Aunts provide solutions. Email questions to: gotproblems@suicidegirls.com