In Focus: The Photographers of SuicideGirls feat. Milloux0
Posted In All Things SG,Art,Blog,Photography
by Nahp Suicide
Milloux is from Los Angeles and is our newest Staff Photographer. She’s been a Suicide Girl since 2009, and has shot 9 sets as a model and 10 as a photographer.
How did you first get involved with SuicideGirls?
I became involved with SuicideGirls when I was 18. I applied to become one a week after my 18th birthday. After many years lurking the SG Myspace page with friends, I wasted no time!
What’s your background photography-wise?
I studied film and cinematography in school but didn’t really start shooting photography until a few years ago. Since then I’ve taken many classes and spent a lot more time shooting on my own, and shooting myself if I can’t grab a hold of a anyone else.
What was the first photo you had published?
The first photos I had published was the first set SuicideGirls bought from me: Callioppe’s “Grey Scale.”
How would you describe your style?
I’d say my style is very personal with a dreamy feel.
What gear do you use?
I have a Canon 60D equipped with either a 50m 1/4 or 85m 1.8 lens, and a reflector equipped with a cute lady to hold it for me! I use a couple of simple soft boxes in some cases.
How important is Photoshop in your final images?
I’d say Photoshop is pretty important. I come from a background in post production, so I believe heavily in using post-tools to accentuate the beauty of a particular work.
What gives you ideas and inspires you to create such amazing sets?
I am inspired by everything! Everywhere I go and everything I see, inspires me to shoot. I am obsessed with capturing moments because my memory isn’t the best. When I’m in a new place, or meet a new person or creature, I instantly think of photographing it/him/her in a way that expresses the way our encounter made me feel.
What is your favorite image?
I’d say Kurosune’s lovely “Dancing In The Sun” (NSFW) shot from her “Apollo” set.
Tell us why it’s your fave and how you achieved it?
I simply had Kurosune sort of “dance” as she jumped from side to side while stretching her arms and throwing her hair back and forth. As she did that, I laid on the floor and shot up her continuously until the moment was perfect.
Is there anybody or anything you would love to photograph that you haven’t?
I would love to shoot Nemesis. That’s would be an utter dream. I might have actually already had a dream about shooting her.
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