New SG Interview: CSI’s Anthony E. Zuiker – Dark Prophecy0
Posted In Blog,Books,Entertainment,Internuts,Interviews,TV
“I’m probably the most paranoid man in Los Angeles.”
– Anthony E. Zuiker
In his first novel, Dark Origins, CSI creator Anthony E. Zuiker brought us a serial killer so extreme that he was the world’s first to be deemed worthy of Level 26 status. The spree of diabolical crimes perpetrated by the latex-attired – and therefore forensic-proof – Sqweegle, was ultimately halted by Steve Dark, a Special Circumstances investigator with demons of his own.
On October 14, Steve Dark returns in the second Level 26 installment, Dark Prophecy. Having left Special Circs at the end of the previous book, when Dark’s destiny crosses paths with that of the Tarot Card Killer, he’s forced to operate under the auspices of a far greyer area of the law.
In the same way that the psychopaths Dark hunts are no ordinary killers, the Level 26 books are no ordinary thrillers. Dubbed “digi-novels” by Zuiker, the multi-platform murder mysteries combine traditional text with web-based movie and community elements. We caught up with Zuiker ahead of Dark Prophecy‘s release to talk about the progression of Dark, and how, with the introduction of the iPad, the digi-novel has finally come of age.
Read our exclusive interview with CSI’s Anthony E. Zuiker on SuicideGirls.com.
The SuicideGirls community has been invited to participate in a very special mystery. Follow the clues, and fate may lead you to what Zuiker promises will be “some kind of cool surprise.”