NEW SG Interview: Dame Darcy – Hand Book for Hot Witches0
Posted In Art,Blog,Books,Comics,Entertainment,Interviews
by Alex Dueben
Dame Darcy is a renaissance woman. The Idaho-born artist has crafted a broad and powerful body of work. She’s an illustrator and fine artist, a musician, dollmaker and designer. Her work has been exhibited in galleries around the world. In 2006, Penguin released a new edition of Jane Eyre heavily illustrated by her. She has an etsy store where she sells not just prints and original art, but dolls and other handcrafted work. She’s collaborated with Alan Moore and contributed to the Tori Amos comics anthology Comic Book Tattoo. Her other books include Gasoline and Frightful Fairytales.
She is an artist in the finest sense of the word. A new collection of the first 10 issues of her ongoing series Meatcake came out last month, a comic that she began self-publishing and was later released via independent publisher Fantagraphics. She’s currently working on a series of illustrated books, playing dates as part of the band Death by Doll, and putting the finishing touches on a new graphic novel Hand Book for Hot Witches, which she described as a “Girl Scout guide for the apocalypse/field guide for the deflowered.” We spoke with her recently.
Read our exclusive interview with Dame Darcy on SuicideGirls.com