NEW SG Interview: David Cross – The Incredibly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret2
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Interviews,TV
by Fred Topel
“Eventually I’ll have to do something so I earn some money.”
– David Cross
David Cross is so deadpan, you might not even be able to tell he’s joking. Certainly when you type his text out and read it, it feels totally straight. That’s why it’s funny. He says things that are inappropriate or ridiculous in casual conversation, then moves on. It’s not that he’s “on” like a lot of comedians who aren’t comfortable unless someone’s laughing. Cross might prefer if you didn’t get it and reported a sarcastic remark as fact. Not so fast, David Cross – we’re onto you.
His new show, The Incredibly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, gives Cross another vehicle for that type of humor. The IFC series stars Cross in the title role. He created and wrote the show about an energy drink salesman sent to England to head up the company’s U.K. sales force. Todd keeps lying about his accomplishments, his abilities and even his home address. It makes his bad decisions worse when he tries to cover for his fibs.
Fans might not recognize Cross with normal skin tones. His most famous role could be Tobias on Arrested Development, where he painted himself blue as an aspiring Blue Man Group performer. He also created Mr. Show with Bob Odenkirk and popped up on The Colbert Report as liberal radio personality Russ Lieber. He’ll also be seen shortly on Arrested creator Mitch Hurwitz’ new show Running Wilde with Will Arnett, who also costars in Todd Margaret.
Consequently there’s double the reason to talk to Cross right now. As Fox revealed their plans for adding Cross to the cast of Running Wilde, the man himself is gearing up to launch Todd Margaret. Relaxing in a hotel room at The Beverly Hilton, Cross kept most of his attention on Todd Margaret. The beard he sports on Running Wilde was the only reference to his Fox show.
Read our exclusive interview with David Cross on SuicideGirls.com.