NEW SG Interview: Skepchick Rebecca Watson0
Posted In Activism,Blog,Feminism,Geek,Internuts,Interviews,Politics,Science
“The Religious Right will continue to wage this war against women until we as secularists stand up with the feminists and say, ‘No more.’”
– Rebecca Watson
I first heard of Rebecca Watson in her role as the lone female host on The Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast, on which she appears as one of a quartet of co-hosts led by Dr. Steven Novella, but she first gained notice within the skeptic community because of her work with the collaborative blog she founded, Skepchick.org.
Skepchick advocates for the interrelationship between critical thinking, science, secularism, and feminism. One of the most passionate, articulate, and fearless secularists in the public eye, Rebecca divides her time between Skepchick, the SGU podcast, and frequent speaking engagements at atheist and skeptic-oriented conferences and conventions. In 2009 Skepchick started its own convention, SkepchickCon, which occurs annually as part of the larger CONvergence at the end of June in Minneapolis.
We spoke recently about Skepchick, the Religious Right’s war against women in the United States, and the difficulties women face even within the secular community.
Read our exclusive interview with Rebecca Watson on SuicideGirls.com.