NEW SG Interview: The Pander Brothers – Secret Broadcast Redux0
Posted In Blog,Comics,Entertainment,Interviews,Movies
by Alex Dueben
“There’s a lot of unique small businesses and DIY movements that make Portland a kind of incubator for new ideas.”
– Jacob Pander
Arnold and Jacob Pander first achieved comic book stardom with their first project, Grendel: Devil’s Legacy, written by Matt Wagner which starred Christine Spar. The Brothers have since gone on to work on a number of projects including Accelerate, written by Richard Kadrey, and Tasty Bullet, which Arnold collaborated on with Jonathan Vankin, but for the most part, the pair have worked together on comics and film projects.
Among their many cinematic projects are Triple-X – not to be confused by the Vin Diesel movie of similar title, Batman: City of Light, Exquisite Corpse, and Ginger Fox. The duo have also directed many music videos, short films and commercials in addition to writing and directing the feature film Selfless.
Their new release is Secret Broadcast Redux, a full color digital version of the comic the pair released through Oni Press in 1998. When the comic was initially released, it was accompanied by a soundtrack and music videos. Redux includes a new coda to explore what happens to the characters after the events of the story and an all new soundtrack.
Read our exclusive interview with Arnold and Jacob Pander on SuicideGirls.com.