by Damon Martin
What if you were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease and only had six-months to live? What would you do? Would you quit your job? Would you tell the people in your life that matter the most exactly what they meant to you? Would you travel the world? Would you just crawl into a hole and wait to die?
Being handed a death sentence is nothing anyone can fathom until it’s happened to them, but those questions are answered through a new comic, Death Sentence by Montynero and Mike Dowling – see trailer:
As the tagline reads: “The virus is going to enhance you and then kill you. There is no cure.” Verity Flett was one of the unfortunate souls diagnosed with the debilitating disease known only as the G+ virus, and her story along with several others will play out on the pages of Death Sentence. She was kind enough to speak with us about her role in this new ongoing saga:
Damon Martin: As you understand it, what exactly is the G+ virus?
Verity Flett: It’s an STD that enhances your abilities – but kills you in six months. I’ve got it worse than most and I’m trying to find out why.
DM: There are no words that can describe what it’s like to literally be told you only have months to live, but if you were to tell us what went through your mind on that day what was happening?
VF: Disbelief. Numbness. Fear. Then I got angry. You look at all the other fuckers wasting their time – cheating and lying – and you think…why me? What did I do?!! But fuck it, six months is six months. I’m not done yet.
DM: I haven’t seen someone walk out of their job in a more epic way this side of Kevin Spacey in American Beauty. You certainly left yours in an interesting way. Any regrets?
VF: Fuck regrets! Are you high?! Dude’s lucky I didn’t knock him out!
DM: With time running out, was there any one thing you wanted to do or accomplish?
VF: I wanna paint. I always figured there’d be time, but…shit kept happening! And there’s someone I’d like to see. Make things right, if I can.
DM: What can you tell us about what happened at the Royal London Hospital?
VF: Man…those poor people! If I could go back, I would. But it wasn’t me who instigated that shit! One second we’re chatting and the next they’re all on me with handcuffs and a needle. What the fuck would you do? I felt all this heat, all these frequencies on my skin – and I rejected the lot. Threw it right back out. I don’t have a fuckin’ clue how it happened it and I hope to god there’s no repeat.
DM: If you had one message for all the other people out there with the G+ virus what would it be?
VF: Run.
To read Verity’s story and about the rest of those infected, check out Death Sentence #1, hitting stores on October 9, 2013. The series will also be available to read on the iPad, iPhone, Web, Android and Kindle Fire, exclusively through the comiXology app and comiXology.com. For more information follow @comicstitan.
[…] the six-issue miniseries starts in October. And Titan’s idea for marketing this series is a faked interview with the Suicide Girls website, in which the lead character Verity opens up about having G+ and what it means for […]