SG Radio feat. The World’s Most Dubious Sexpert Todd Levin0
Posted In Blog,Books,Entertainment,Love,Relationships,Sex,SG Radio,Society
by Blogbot
This Sunday (10/3) on SuicideGirls Radio our very special in-studio guest will be Tonight Show and Onion News Network writer Todd Levin, who’ll be talking about his new book, Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk. Described as “the most irresponsible book written on the subject of sexuality since The Berenstain Bears Host a Key Party” by former Tonight Show host Conan O’Brien, the book is arguably one of the most unhelpful sex manuals on the market today. Featuring at best plain bad advice and at worst utterly inaccurate facts, the 232 page compendium of copulation disinformation is, on the plus side, as amusing as it is misleading.
Tune in for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let your moma listen in!
Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on Indie1031.com or use this StreamTheWorld player.
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About Todd Levin / SEX: Our Bodies, Our Junk
TODD LEVIN is an Emmy-nominated former writer for Late Night with Conan O’Brien and was a writer for The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien and the Onion News Network. His work has been published in GQ, Esquire, Salon, and Vanity Fair.
SEX: Our Bodies, Our Junk by The Association for the Betterment of Sex (comprised of a combustible mix of current and former writers for The Daily Show, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Vanity Fair, and The Onion) (August 24, 2010; Trade Paperback Original) is a radical and invaluable resource for improving your sexual communication and performance—whether you have been in a committed relationship for years or have (just moments ago) removed the shrink-wrap from your new Japanese body pillow.
The five highly qualified members of the Washington DC–based ABS—Scott Jacobson, Todd Levin, Jason Roeder, Mike Sacks, and Ted Travelstead—have written this manual with a very specific reader in mind: you! Man or woman, gay or straight, young or old (but not grotesquely old), this is the one and only intimacy resource you will ever need.
Here are just a few sensual revelations you’ll discover:
- The precise location of the female G-spot (latitude and longitude).
- “Going on Tour with Midnight Oil” and additional little-known masturbation slang.
- Forced perspective and other techniques for visually enhancing the size of your “member.”
- The top five pastry-related euphemisms for female genitalia.
- How to score big at your next swingers’ party.
- Listings of “don’t ask, don’t tell” dry-cleaning services for freshening up your vinyl fetishwear or adult-sized Tigger costume.
- Your first threesome, and how the ancient Mayans predicted it wouldn’t go over so hot.