SG Radio (Feb 12): Celebrating Love, Sex, And Sensuality with Nina Hartley0
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Entertainment,Love,Relationships,Sex,Society
by Blogbot
This Sunday SuicideGirls Radio will be celebrating love, sex, and sensuality with iconic adult film star, author, producer, and sex educator Nina Hartley. SG Radio host Nicole Powers (SG’s Managing Ed) will also be joined in studio by SG’s resident post-feminist sex and sensuality expert Darrah de jour and renowned relationship columnist Yashar Ali. Light a candle, open some bubbly, grab a box of your fave chocs, and listen in to our intimate in-studio foursome – judging by past shows, a little naughtiness is bound to ensue 😉
Tune in to the world’s leading naked radio show for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let yo momma listen in!
Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on Indie1031.com
Got questions? Then dial our studio hotline digits this Sunday between 10 PM and midnight PST: 323-900-6012
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About Nina Hartley
Nina Hartley is the ultimate MILF, a gal who was hot back in the 1970s and is still smokin’ hot today… and just as oversexed. Since then she has gone on to feature in over 650 first-run adult films, and has become one of the most enduring and recognisable performers in the industry. She has won the most AVN awards of any star in history and was the first starlet to crossover to “real acting” with a part in Boogie Nights.
She said that when she got into the adult business, she was blessed with two popular fetish items: big, baby-blue eyes and that round butt which has become her trademark. Her most famous quote is “Sex isn’t something men do to you. It isn’t something men get out of you. Sex is something you dive into with gusto and like it every bit as much as he does.”
Nina has co-produced and created more than 20 Guide to Better Sex videos, is the author of the book, Nina Hartley’s Guide to Total Sex. She has appeared on Oprah and other major shows to promote sexual expression and defend sexual rights, and has dedicated her life to ‘Sex Positive’ living.”
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About Darrah de jour
Post-feminist sex and sensuality expert Darrah de jour is a freelance journalist who lives in LA with her dog Oscar Wilde. Her writing has appeared in Marie Claire, Esquire and W. In her “Red, White and Femme: Strapped With A Brain – And A Vagina” columns for SuicideGirls, Darrah takes a fresh look at females in America.
About Darrah de jour
Post-feminist sex and sensuality expert Darrah de jour is a freelance journalist who lives in LA with her dog Oscar Wilde. Her writing has appeared in Marie Claire, Esquire and W. In her “Red, White and Femme: Strapped With A Brain – And A Vagina” columns for SuicideGirls, Darrah takes a fresh look at females in America.
Here recent columns for SG include:
Red, White and Femme: Premarital Sex At Dawn – A Conversation with Fleshbot’s Lux Alptraum
Red, White and Femme: America is FUGLY
Red, White and Femme: Trusting The Ring of Purity – Faith vs Sex Education
Red, White and Femme Fearless Femme Spotlight: Mia Tyler
Red, White and Femme: Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Polyamory, Part I w/ Annie Sprinkle
Red, White and Femme: Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Polyamory, Part II w/ Tristan Taormino
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About Yashar Ali
Yashar Ali is a Los Angeles-based columnist, commentator, and political veteran whose writings are showcased on The Current Conscience, a website focused on issues concerning gender inequality, political heroism, media, and society as related to the condition of women.
His writings on gender inequality have been syndicated by over twenty websites, including The Good Men Project. He is also regularly featured on Jezebel, The Daily What, Mental Floss, Syndey Educational Radio, and Feministing.
Yashar has appeared frequently as a commentator on state and national politics, and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, The New York Observer, The Huffington Post, The New York Times, and The San Francisco Chronicle. He has appeared regularly on The Patt Morrison Show on Southern California Public Radio and NBC News.
In 2006, Yashar served as finance chair to then California State Controller Steve Westly’s campaign for Governor. He also served as National LGBT chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) under Senator Chuck Schumer. In 2007, at the age of 26, Yashar joined the Hillary Clinton for President campaign as a national co-chair. He was the youngest co-chair in the campaign.
In 2009, he joined the gubernatorial campaign of former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom as traveling chief of staff; he then served as Newsom’s deputy chief of staff in his mayoral office. He served as campaign manager of Newsom’s successful campaign for lieutenant governor of California—a race in which Newsom bested his opponent by an 11-point margin.
He has served on the boards of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), the leading national organization dedicated to preventing bullying in schools, the Liberty Hill Foundation, and Southern California Public Radio.
He will be soon releasing our first short e-book, entitled, A Message To Women From A Man: You Are Not Crazy — How We Teach Men That Women Are Crazy and How We Convince Women To Ignore Their Instincts.
Yashar’s first column for SuicideGirls – He Doesn’t Deserve Your Validation: Putting The Fake Orgasm Out of Business – has been causing quite a stir. And his latest, Why Don’t We Have More Women in Public Office? Look at Who’s Running the Campaigns, should be on your required reading list!
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