SG Radio Sex and Love Addiction Special feat. Love Junkie Rachel Resnick and Wing Girl Marni Kinrys0
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This Sunday our very special guests will be Love Junkie author Rachel Resnick, dating expert Marni Kinrys (of the Wing Girl Method), and SG’s Red, White and Femme post-feminist sex & sexuality columnist Darrah de jour. They’ll be chatting with hosts Nicole Powers (SG’s Managing Editor) and Lacey Conner (our resident recovering reality TV star from VH1’s Rock of Love and Charm School) about the issues surrounding sex and love addiction. When is a healthy sex life beyond healthy? Are hopeless romantics really hopelessly deluding themselves? Is sex and love addiction really a disease? Can it be cured? If so, how? And can we all learn healthier dating habits by understanding the issues raised by sex and love addiction?
Tune in to the world’s leading naked radio show for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let yo momma listen in!
Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on Indie1031.com
Got questions? Then dial our studio hotline digits this Sunday between 10 PM and midnight PST: 323-900-6012
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_About Rachel Resnick author of Love Junkie
Rachel Resnick is the author most recently of the memoir Love Junkie. Also the author of Go West Young F*cked-Up Chick, her articles, essays and celebrity profiles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Marie Claire, Women’s Health, BlackBook and others. She is a contributing editor at Tin House, and the founder and CEO of Writers on Fire.
A groundbreaking, compulsively readable memoir, Love Junkie charts Resnick’s path from destructive love to intimacy, from despair to hope, and cracks open one of our more elusive and pervasive modern-day addictions. Looking back over years of failed relationships, Resnick identifies a lifelong addiction to love – an addiction to the unfulfilled fantasy of romantic bliss, marriage, and family, and to a string of sexual relationships that only carry her farther from that dream. As she peels back one raw layer after another, she must eventually confront the painful experiences of her childhood-and the difficult work of recovery that lies ahead.
_About Marni Kinrys a.k.a. Wing Girl
Always the girl’s guy who was very comfortable hanging out with the opposite sex, Marni fell into her current role as ‘wing girl’ while watching her handsome, charming, successful male friends fail miserably while trying to hit on and pick up women. Being witness to her friends’ embarrassment prompted the epiphany of a lifetime – sharing real advice from a women’s perspective to help a man conquer his fears of meeting women.
In 2004, The Wing Girl Method was born.
Marni sat down with her ‘subjects’ in a Q&A fact finding/help session and what came out of it were ten essential playbook rules for what women want. Her blunt, real feedback and advice was transformed into “The Playbook of What Women Want” and she has since made a profession out of her unique understanding of both sexes.
Marni has launched a DVD series of specific programs to help aid the men who bumble and fumble through social awkwardness. Each program is a step-by-step, do it yourself home kit that gives men the tools on how to meet, approach and attract women. Marni also offers “Skype Coaching 1-on-1 Sessions gives men one-on-one coaching with men around the world, thanks to the power of Skype.
Working alongside such notable industry contemporaries as David DeAngelo, Adam Gilad, Dr. Paul, Scot McKay and Carlos Xuma, Marni continues to advise men worldwide on attraction, communication, sex, relationships, body language, dating and everything in between. Marni is the lone female in the massive PUA (“Pickup Artists”) community of men who base their teachings on theory rather than fact. Marni is the missing piece of information that no men will ever have access to on his own.
However, Marni is NOT a pick-up artist. She is much more, for men and women.
Although Marni is not a clinically trained therapist, psychologist or pick up artist, she is a dating and relationship expert, trained in the field of “the friend who gives it to you straight without any bullshit.” Marni developed “The Wing Girl Method” specifically to provide men with that missing piece of information – the female perspective and what goes on inside the woman’s mind. “I’m not out to fix women, I tell it like it is,” says Marni. “Telling men how women DO work, not how they SHOULD work. What women really want not what they say they want.”
_About Darrah de jour
Darrah de jour is a freelance journalist who lives in LA with her dog Oscar Wilde. Her writing has appeared in Marie Claire, Esquire and W. In her Red, White and Femme: Strapped With A Brain – And A Vagina columns for SuicideGirls, Darrah takes a fresh look at females, femininity and sexuality in America.
Here recent columns for SG include:
Red, White and Femme: America is FUGLY
Red, White and Femme: Trusting The Ring of Purity – Faith vs Sex Education
Red, White and Femme Fearless Femme Spotlight: Mia Tyler
Red, White and Femme: Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Polyamory, Part I w/ Annie Sprinkle
Red, White and Femme: Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Polyamory, Part II w/ Tristan Taormino
Find more Darrah de jour at: http://www.darrahdejour.com/