SuicideGirls Gamer Of The Week: GoGo Suicide1
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Entertainment,Gaming,Geek,Internuts,TV
GoGo is a sexy Italian model that is also into video games. She’s also a movie buff and hardcore Game of Thrones fan, so it’s safe to say that GoGo actually loves all sorts of nerdy things.
Is there a story behind your SG nickname?
There sort of isn’t one. When I first applied for the site I had to pick a nickname and GoGo is what came to mind. It sounded short and cute and easy to remember!
How long have you been modeling?
Since I applied for SuicideGirls in 2004.
You have a ton of really cool tattoos. Is there any special symbolism behind them?
Not really, I mean, besides the name of my dog on my ankle and Rain Dogs across my knuckles over Tom Waits, the rest is just ideas of things that I like / inspire me. I usually just give a rough idea to the artist and let him or her do the rest.
What are some of your favorite video games?
The Silent Hill saga has a special place in my heart. Other than that, I love Diablo 3, LA Noire, and Call of Duty.
Do you play games online much?
I used to be really into Diablo 3 and would play for hours every day. But the servers are so horrible, always down, and always laggy, so eventually I just kinda gradually gave up on it. Call of Duty is a game I like to play sporadically, like when I am really frustrated so I can just shoot some motherfuckers.
Which class do you prefer in Diablo 3?
Wizard all the way! I’m definitely a disintegrate/archon combo wizard.
Ever try to make money on the auction house?
Not real money, only gold to buy more equipment with. I never got that far as wanting to spend hundreds of real dollars for it. Maybe I would have been tempted once or twice if the servers were more reliable, but alas…
What’s your console of choice?
PS3 and desktop 🙂
Do you think the Silent Hill franchise has gotten better or worse over time?
I think it had ups and downs. Some of them were great, some not so great, but overall it’s the universe of it that really gets to you, you know? 1 and 3 are my favorites.
How/when did you first get into playing video games?
Gosh I don’t know. When my parents gave me a Sega Master System for Christmas when I was little, I guess!
Judging by the fact you list “Winterfell” as your hometown, I take it you’re a Game of Thrones fan?
Huge! I wouldn’t know where to begin! Last year I did a tribute shoot that came out super cool. It was the “grown up version” of Arya Stark. You should check it out!
So where did you really grow up?
Italy, books, and the internet 🙂
Which is better, the books or the TV show?
This is a hard question! I LOVE the books and at the same time I LOVE the show. I would instinctively pick the book because there’s just more of everything, and you can spend months reading them and being absorbed in the whole imaginarium –– but they sure are doing a great job with the TV version, too. The TV show has the potential to be on air for a long time, whereas the books are being published too far apart and it’s such a long, painful wait!
Favorite character?
Tyrion and Arya. Bran seems to be heading in a very badass direction too, whereas Jon isn’t really as interesting as he once was. But given the huge cliffhanger of the last book, I expect greater things for him to come. *SPOILER ALERT* (I just don’t want him to really be dead). I have to say since Theon became Reek, he also started to really interest me.
Have you gotten a chance to try the GoT RPG that was released back in May?
I haven’t! I feel like between the books and the TV show I have enough GoT in my life if that makes sense!
I understand you’re also somewhat of a movie buff. If you could make any movie into a video game, what would it be?
I am, that’s another subject I could talk about forever! Let me think… Perhaps an Oldboy inspired game where you wake up in a room you don’t know why and you have to solve the mystery and riddles etc. Hmm that sounds like Silent Hill a bit doesn’t it? 🙂
For more of GoGo find her on Facebook, Twitter and SuicideGirls, and be sure to checkout her Etsy store!
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