Nov 2010 18
SuicideGirls Nominated For Peta2’s “Best Media Personality” Libby Award0
Posted In Activism,Animals,Blog,Politics
by Blogbot
We are SO honored to be nominated for “Best Media Personality” by Peta2 for their 5th annual Libby Awards. Voting is open now thru December 16, and winners will be announced on January 4, 2011.
Naturally we’d love it if you’d cast your ballot our way, but – more importantly – we encourage you to visit the Peta2 website and show your support for animal rights by participating in the voting process. Other categories include Favorite Animal-Friendly Celeb, Favorite Peta2 Hottie, Best Fake Meat, Best Vegan Chocolate, Best Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Company, and Best Men’s & Women’s Vegan Shoes.
Visit Peta2.com/LibbyAwards2010/?c=p24379 to cast your vote.