by Jen Friel
I talked about this on a recent SuicideGirls Radio Show (thanks again for having me!!) – but I believe in it so freaking much for it’s culturally disruptive components that I wanted to mention it in my blog as well.
What am I talking about? Oh! Mirror.net!
Mirror is the world’s first relationship review application. (And coming from someone who went out on 103 OkCupid dates in 9 months – TRUST ME – this is going to change the dating world.) First up though, some of the deets about Mirror and what a “relationship review application” really is…
The web is currently inundated with online profiles. From your Twitter account and Facebook profile to your Match.com or OkCupid account – there has never been a time where people have been so well represented digitally.
The problem with this human digitization however is the fact that the profiles are created by the person being represented; how can you ever have a true representation of self if the person creating the account is also the one saying how awesome/smart/talented/witty they are.
Mirror solves this problem. They place your profile in the hands of your ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, friends, and soon co-workers, creating a mosaic profile of who you “truly are” not just your highlight reel.
Look at this picture:
Facebook shows you with your best foot forward while Mirror is simply the reflective surface showcasing your ENTIRE personality from head to toe – not just one foot. It shows your positive attributes at the same time as things you may need to work on.
Sound scary?
Kinda, but isn’t that what cultural disruption is all about?
Jen Friel is a lifecaster and corporate sponsored minimalist. She went out on over 103 dates in 9 months while couch surfing for a year building her website and bartering social media to live. Consequently, she’s an accidental expert on online dating. You can read all about her ongoing adventures on OKCupid at TalkNerdyToMeLover.com and follow them on Twitter.
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