Feb 2011 02

Parker Suicide in Shutter Bug

  • INTO: Pirates, technology, long drives, conspiracy theories, steamy backseat makeouts, biting, Nostradamus, live music, sexy pictures, making videos, corsets, fishnets, 007, Marty McFly, aromatherapy, sensuality & eroticism, old cameras, traveling, photography, food photography, Leonardo da Vinci, cuddling, Photoshop, documentaries, DIY, sleight of hand, self respect, time travel, psychology, tattoos, late nights, YouTube.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Blood oranges, summer sun, dessert before dinner, yoga, fresh air, no commercials, organic fruit, fiery sunsets, the lake, tea dates, Polaroids, postcards, animals, legwarmers, lingerie, fresh herbs, surprises, beach days, new piercings, food, friends.
  • VICES: Oral fixation.

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