The SuicideGirls Guide To Prepping For ComicCon4
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Comics,Entertainment,Geek
by Bob Suicide
It’s crunch time. You know, that crispy-coating that surrounds the ooey-gooey center that is the 5 geek-tastic days of ComicCon. These last few days leading up to the start of the convention involve making lists, checking them twice, re-checking them a third time, packing, hyperventilating into a bag, and obsessively refreshing that online check-in for your flight. Or, is that all just me?
Regardless of your preparation ritual, there’s something behind the scenes you may not know when you walk up to booth #1730 (a.k.a. the SuicideGirls’ booth) and that’s how much time and effort all of the Suicide Girls put into this exciting event.
So, here’s a list of the things the girls wanted to highlight to make sure you’re just as prepared as we are for next week!
Make Sure You’ve Got ALL Of Your Costume!
For each of the days, SuicideGirls will be wearing different outfits: Star Wars, Dr. Who, Battle Royale, and even a wild-card day where girls can dress up as whatever they choose. Some girls have even made up their very own superheros! Consequently there has been tons of glueing, sewing, and well, spandex-ing in preparation for each day.
No one wants to get to San Diego only to find out their perfectly crafted pair of N7 armor pants aren’t anywhere to be found in their suitcase. Well, someone might enjoy it – but that’s a whole different con. It’s really difficult to find anything in San Diego during convention time – even seemingly simple things like the bathroom or toothpaste! And if you do, there’s always a long line for it. So it’s best to make sure you’ve packed all the essentials before you get there. You don’t want to waste precious time that could be spent in the Hasbro line for an exclusive (MY PRECIOUS!) at the mall picking out replacement pants.
For bonus points: make sure your costume is Con-appropriate. SuicideGirls is all about teh sexy, but the con is all-ages and we know that zero-suit Samus doesn’t mean you can walk around without pants on. Keep the Con classy!
Pack Comfy Shoes
You’ve seen every booth babe in mile-high heels that make their legs look fantastic – but SGs aren’t booth babes. We’re hardcore fans who are at The Con for the long haul. As a result, even if our cosplay calls for it, we generally know better than to don anything with an incline. If you’ve got to dash from panel to panel, the only thing heels are good for is to defend yourself against the hoard between you and that front-row seat.
Protip: Don’t actually shank anyone with a high heel.
Bring Hand-Sanitizer
But don’t be Hayden Panettiere about it. It’s a large group of people from all over the universe; there’s bound to be some germs. And, if you haven’t heard, there’s a zombie outbreak going on! It’s better to be prepared and lightly lemon-scented, than undead during the five greatest days of the year. There’s a difference between protecting yourself from the H1Nerd1 that plagued Penny Arcade’s PAX not so long ago and hating the soft touch of your fellow nerds…SuicideGirls definitely love the personal touch! Be sure to stop by the booth and give us a hug and a high-five.
For bonus points: bring some deodorant too. Sometimes you’re out late at an event and up early to get in line for a panel. Q little stick can go a long way to freshen up the day.
Have Fun
I may joke about hyperventilating into a bag before ComicCon because of all the stress of prepping and planning, but it’s best to look at the upcoming days as part of the ComicCon adventure. Find fun ways to take the stress out of the preparation and make your to-do list into a ta-da list! Make a fun countdown, get together with your friends and have a pack and prep party where you help make sure everyone’s prepared whilst screening some geektastic movies. Or maybe, just take a couple moments to relax and breathe before the whirlwind (and your plane) touches down in San Diego.
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