Ur W33K 1N G33K (September 28 – October 4)0
Posted In Blog,Comics,Entertainment,Gaming,Geek,Internuts,Movies
by A.J. Focht
The entire line of DC’s New 52 has hit stores. The fan response to the reboot has been phenomenal, though all of the comics have received very diverse reviews. Almost every comic in the New 52 has been both praised and bashed. Most have gained a following, and a couple have already gained infamy, while very few have slipped under the radar altogether.
Several of the more obscure comics however pulled in great reviews, such as All-Star Western and I, Vampire. All-Star Western explores Gotham City during its founding through the eyes of Jonah Hex, while I, Vampire introduced a new vampire threat to the DC universe. One of the biggest surprises was Justice League Dark which already has built a strong following. Even more shocking were the positive responses to the sexy stripper-adorned title Voodoo — from the many of the same people who bashed the overt raunch of Catwoman and Starfire.
Several new photos have hit the internet from Marvel’s Avengers’ set. And from landing the cover of Entertainment Weekly, to releasing the first official production photos, the Avengers are popping up everywhere. Their next stop will be New York Comic-Con where several of the Avengers will be assembling including Captain America and Loki.
It looks like The Wolverine is finally settling on a script. We hear the re-write by Mark Bomback will be very similar to the original by Darren Aronofsky. All told, the script is supposed to be fairly good, which means they should be able to move forward with the project.
One last superhero update, new photos of Russel Crowe as Jor-El in the Man of Steel have been released.
For trekkies out there awaiting new information on Star Trek 2, look no farther than the new comic series. Robert Orci, one of the film’s screenwriters, is also the creative director on the new set of comics. He has announced that the comics, set in the Star Trek (2009) universe, will directly tie into the next movie.
Zack Snyder is looking to spice up the zombie horror genre. How exactly? Zombie rape. That’s right, in his forthcoming project, Army of the Dead, male zombies will rape human females leading to a zombie-human hybrid offspring. It seems like a twisted new take on zombies, but at least it’s not something I’ve seen done before.
The one show everyone thought was safe from FOX’s idiotic wrath may be getting cancelled. The Simpsons is facing the axe over contract issues. FOX wants to cut the voice actors salary by 45%. If the negotiations go south, the longest-running primetime series will be no more.
Speaking of shows FOX has tried to kill, Arrested Development is coming back for a ten episode fourth season before it gets a movie. This outstanding news was broke at the “The Bluth Family Reunion” Panel at The New Yorker Festival. Mitch Hurwitz made the announcement, telling the audience he is halfway through the film script.
One last thing to note, the Amazon Kindle Fire has completely changed the market in the last week. Amazon Kindle Fire is an e-reader-cum-tablet being released at a price point of only $200. It can do everything a normal tablet can, and only falls short in its lack of 3G. Tablet manufacturers and retailers have made drastic cuts in response to the news. This impressive move is also affecting the e-reader and book market in general; Barnes & Noble may go the way of Borders thanks to the Kindle Fire. On the bright side for us geeks, DC Comics is releasing several graphic novels exclusively on the Kindle Fire, including Watchmen.