Ur W33K 1N G33K: Top 5 Nerd Movies 20120
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It’s been an exciting year for nerdy movies. Some of the nerdiest movies of the year were also some of the best movies of the year and will be looking at Oscar nods. This however, is our Top 5 Nerd Movies of 2012 countdown:
5. Chronicle (Josh Trank)
Writer and Director Josh Trank made a shocking big screen debut with Chronicle. Since the movie was released back in February of 2012, many have put it out of their minds when talking about the year’s best movies. However, Trank’s brilliant script and Dane DeHaan’s excellent performance as Andrew Detmer have earned both of them places in future upcoming geeky flicks: Trank will be writing and directing the next Fantastic Four and DeHaan will be playing Harry Osborne in Amazing Spider-Man 2.
4. Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (Christopher Nolan)
The Dark Knight Rises was a fantastic ending to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. The exciting conclusion tied up the storyline nicely and wasn’t the letdown many feared it could be due to the trilogy curse: a curse that has caused all other comic book trilogies to end with a less than worthy film. While The Dark Knight Rises was more than acceptable, for many the second film in the series will be remembered as the high note, tho Dark Knight Rises may even get an Oscar nod or two.
3. Wreck-It Ralph (Rich Moore)
Rich Moore’s Wreck-It Ralph was the surprise treat of the year. Featuring a slew of the most memorable video game characters in supporting roles, Ralph and his companions earned their place among the classic cast and in the hearts of nerds everywhere. Wreck-It Ralph will likely get a nod for the Best Animated Feature, but it has some fierce competition with Brave.
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Peter Jackson)
The return to Middle Earth we have all been waiting for since the epic conclusion to The Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson’s first Hobbit movie was a thrilling adventure that fans wanted, although it seemed to be a little much for critics. While the nagging critics complaints weren’t enough to dissuade fans, it is unknown how the Academy will respond and whether they or not they will get any Oscar nods.
1. The Avengers (Joss Whedon)
The Avengers was a groundbreaking movie that successfully combined four different films series into one marvelous adventure. The Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, and Captain America all teased the upcoming Avengers Initiative. When the Avengers finally assembled, the result was one of the highest grossing films of all time. While Whedon’s Avengers storyline was epic, it’s the visual effects in the movie that are more likely to get nominated for an Oscar. But Oscar or no, this is one movie nerds will hold in high esteem for a long time.