Sep 2011 05

by Blogbot

Last week on Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter we asked you to tell us what your favorite tattoo on a Suicide Girl was? Over 1,000 responses later, and the results are in…

Radeo won, though the votes were split between her star nipples, ribbon sleeve, bee and honeycomb neck piece, and her leopard print back (her knuckles even got some votes!).

[Radeo Suicide in Sweet Disposition]

Sadly we can’t show you Radeo’s nipple art in this safe for work space (you’ll have to check our NSFW gallery to see those), but you can see more of your fave SG body art in this special SFW gallery.

This week’s question: Would you consider freckles to be a mark of beauty?

(Tweet or post answers in the comments section below.)