Shotgun Suicide gets handy with a dipstick, showing you where to put it and how to keep it well oiled.
Shotgun Suicide gets handy with a dipstick, showing you where to put it and how to keep it well oiled.
by Jensen
Yumz. So quite a while back I saw these cheeseburger cupcakes on Food Network or some shit like that, and kind of fell in love. They are good because you can make them as homemade or, um, not homemade, as you’d like. If you use all store bought stuff, people are still going to say “holy balls, these cupcakes look like cheeseburgers!” and if you make it all homemade, people are going to say “holy balls, these cupcakes taste amazing and look like cheeseburgers!” so either way you’re good. For this, I’m using all store bough box mixes and such, but if you’re in a Susie Homemaker mood, definitely make them from scratch :].
by Brett Warner
It’s a brand new year, and if you’re anything like me – young, broke, and sitting on a dust-gathering fine arts degree – you’re probably thinking: okay, this is the year I start/finish my (insert writing project here). A lot of us have them – those nest egg ideas, gestating deep in our brains, waiting for just the exact perfect moment to materialize in some quantifiable, word-countable form. Sure, there’s a lot of reasons not to write nowadays: we’re job hunting/working, seeing somebody, going back to school, finally getting into Lost on DVD, etc. Nevertheless, 2011 is as good a year as any to finally take that secretly amazing television pilot idea (The West Wing meets George Washington’s first term in office), Star Trek fan novel, or earth-shattering poetry collection out of the realm of “maybe someday” and into the nitty, gritty real world.
Every writer works and thinks differently, but just about every professional will tell you that writing successfully is work – damn hard work, usually, and needs to be approached as such. In the spirit of aggressively engaging your long put-off writing projects, I’ve compiled a list of five off the wall methods that have helped me over the past few years. A few standards, one or two drastic measures – these not-fucking-around variety techniques have pulled me out of many a blinking cursor bind and, who knows, might help others do the same.
by Jensen
Yummmm. This recipe is inspired by an SG member that told me about his yummy ice cream variation with lavender, another member blogging about pumpkin pot pie (see what I did there?), and an, um, interesting graduation present I received from a friend. If you aren’t really into cooking with medicinal substances and/or don’t have a valid prescription from your doctor, then you can definitely tweak the recipe to suit your needs :]. And if you guys need a refresher on ice cream making, here is a video on how easy it is to make (with nothing more hi tech than two ziplock bags and a few hunks of ice to do the chillin’):
by Jensen
Hey guys! Super easy tutorial this week for a string covered bulletin board. This is a really inexpensive and a nice way to show off cards, postcards, notes, whatevz. I almost feel silly making a tutorial for this, since all you do is wrap a fuck ton of string around a frame, but I’m doing it anyway!
by Jensen
I don’t know about you, but I tend to get really cheesy around Christmas time. Homemade, messy and campy crafts are high on my list of favorite things this season. Today we are doing an ornament project. These are great for kids, or just a fun thing to do for broke couples celebrating their first Christmas together :].
by Jensen
Previously Jensen had fun with 7 inches, this week she goes all the way, getting crafty – on video – doing some cool things with not one, but two 12 inches.