by SG’s Team Agony feat. Tekky, Perdita, and Leandra
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Tekky in Caution]
Q: I have been on and off with this guy for 10 months now. We haven’t really been in an actual relationship. I moved in with him once to try things out, but he basically broke that off on Valentine’s Day. Now we have more of this friends with benefits thing going. But we fight. We fight for about a week, then for two weeks we are okay and together. I have to see him almost everyday. I really care for him. I’m also hurt at the same time. What should I do?
by Bob Suicide
A study which purported to highlight the equality among the sexes when it comes to computer gaming was recently published in the uber-reliable Daily Mail. The survey was funded by the scientifically-minded, and above-bias team at Doritos, which lends further credence to the findings.
That’s right, Doritos. Now why would the chip company — known philanthropically funding scientific discovery in key areas such as how to make ranch “cooler” — waste it’s time researching women’s interest in computer games when it could be curing cancer, you say? Well, it doesn’t have anything to do with the recent launch of their own online computer game: Doritos Dip Desperado. No sir.
I’m honestly surprised that the survey didn’t find that “women say that computer games taste great and are less filling than the leading chip brand,” it’s that blatantly obvious this is a sad marketing ploy. But what the press release of an article did say was:
That while 50 per cent of men readily admit to frequent online gaming, a surprising 49 per cent of women confess that they too are addicted to Internet games.
And while men spend 22.3 per cent of their time online playing games, women trump them, whiling away 23.2 per cent of their time online playing games.
Revealingly, the study showed that not only are women just as keen on gaming as men — but that the majority would rather spend time playing on their gadgets than having sex.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Jaeci, Yesenia and Fabrizia
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Jaeci in Be My Lover]
Q: I’ve been in a relationship for about 3 years now. We had a hard start but things were good for a while. About a year ago, we had our last big fight, which was caused by her jealously.
Since then I’ve felt myself detaching from her bit by bit, and I’ve got into some one-nighters with ex-girlfriends. About four months ago I started to date a friend and I’ve fallen in love with her. This has led to another massive problem with this relationship.
So to get to the point, I want to breakup. I need my space and all that jazz, but I just don’t want to hurt her. She has psychological problems and has already tried to kill herself twice. I just don’t want to make things worse.
Any ideas of how to just get things done without any blood?
by Laurelin
Now that summer is in full swing, I can’t help but shake my head thinking of how quickly things change, how we shape our lives and how easy it really is to choose our own paths. I like the idea of fate and destiny — the little girl in me still believes in fairy tales and hopeless romance, but in truth, I like the idea that it’s not in the hands of something greater. We are that something greater.
Last summer I was someone else. I was working at a different bar, sadly spending my days working a job I hated, gazing out the windows at everyone walking by with beach gear and wishing I was one of those laughing girls in sundresses. I would go home faithfully every night, crawl in bed and wait for my boyfriend to come home. I ordered dinner for two, drank dirty martinis and let him pay for dinner because his bar was always busy and mine wasn’t. We went to parties, stayed up late laughing and drinking, we slept in every morning we could, and I swear, there were some days where I didn’t care to even get out of bed; I could spend forever like that, hiding from daylight and waiting for our night to fall again.
He was my life, and after we broke up this past September, I dreaded the coming summer because it had always been ours, and now I would be alone. I didn’t think I could face it without him. As time went on and I started healing that feeling got a little easier. Soon it wasn’t sadness that I wouldn’t be with him, but almost…fear of spending the summer flying solo. I had spent the past year learning to be on my own and all of a sudden it occurred to me that I had truly learned to love it. I flirted, went after what I wanted with no fear of rejection, I dated, and I dated people that weren’t right for me ON PURPOSE. Soon I was so excited for my “Boys of Summer.” The warm weather was here, the sun shone just for me, and where as last summer was ours, it never occurred to me that this summer, for the first time in a long time was mine.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Salome, Dorsal, and Morgan
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Salome in Pop Art Clash ]
Q: I am 25 years of age. When I was 18 I used to be the kid that played every sport you can imagine. I was not a jock though. I never made fun of kids. In fact I would get along with everyone – skaters, stoners, gangbangers, etc. At 18 I had a chance to play college basketball and I went to get a physical. I complained I had a little pain in my back when I ran and so forth, so the doctor suggested I get an X-ray. I come to found out I have Scheuermann’s disease and spinal stenosis. The first thing I said was, “Can I still play ball?” The doctor said “no” because if I took too hard of a hit I could get paralyzed. I said, “Well shit you that just ruined my life.” The doctor also told me he couldn’t perform surgery because it would just make it worse.
I had to start taking pain meds, and they seemed to mess up my system. I won’t go into detail because it’s not very fun to be honest, and I do not want to gross you out. Let’s be honest, me telling this story is kinda hard…My point is, I ended up having a surgery where I have a bag on my stomach. Now the real question is this: How the hell am I going to get a girl with this on me?
I have not taken a date in over a year. I have had no sex in over a year, just for the fact I don’t want to make a girl uncomfortable. I know I could be the greedy guy and not tell her at all and just pray she doesn’t notice in the dark, but I am really not like that. The other question is, should I just be upfront with the girl on the first date and tell her all this? If I do, it seems like too much info. But then after the first date, what happens if we really hit it off? I’d feel like I would be letting her down if I told her on the second date and she wasn’t chill with it.
I’m in a catch 22 here ladies. I have thought about this for a long time. Hope you can go ahead and give me an answer. I really want a girl’s point of view.
by Damon Martin
Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann doesn’t like porn, abortion, or promiscuity. She hates it so much, she’s signed a pledge to prove it! The essence of the pledge is that the candidates who sign it must commit to upholding the oaths contained within should they make it to office, which means Bachmann is now 100% committed to ending both abortion and pornography (it’ll be interesting to see how she’ll legislate against promiscuity – will sex before marriage become a custodial offense?).
On Friday, Bachmann put her signature on ‘The Marriage Vow – A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family‘ a two-page document authored by Iowa pastor Bob Vander Plaats.
Vander Plaats is actually trying to get all presidential candidates to sign his wacky pledge, which calls for a ban on pornography, and contains verbiage condemning gay marriage, while also suggesting that the African American family unit was better off during slavery.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Clio, Squee and Elea
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Clio in Born Into A Light]
Q: My boyfriend seems to drink a lot. He’s very sensitive when I try to talk about it, but he’ll spend nights in by himself getting drunk. Not only that, but he plays an awful lot of Xbox, daily as soon as he gets home from work and all weekend (we live together).
I worry that he simply isn’t happy in our relationship since he’s drinking and playing Xbox so much. I try to talk to him about it but it never goes smoothly.
Two years ago my Mum passed away, and it was down to drinking too much. Her kidneys and liver failed and she passed away suddenly. She was only 54 and I was 24 at the time, so to have someone else I love drink too much is hard for me. We’ve been together for 4 1/2 years and he knows how much my Mum’s death affected me and still does.
I just don’t know what to do anymore. Please help.