Judde Suicide in Studs

- HOBBIES: Photography, drawing, make up.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My love, my phone, my camera, cigarettes, my friends.
Get to know Judde better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Alex Dueben
“The nature of all drama is really conflict.”
– Ron Marz
Ron Marz has been a comic book writer for many years, with a long list of credits at Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Top Cow and just about every other comics company there is. His career has notably included a long run on Green Lantern.
In recent years some of his best work has been for Top Cow, where he’s been writing the company’s flagship comic Witchblade. He transformed the tile from a comic that was known in its early years for T&A into a complex superhero fantasy story that has led to Marz writing a series of miniseries (First Born and Artifacts) and ongoing series (Magdalena) for the company.
Marz is leaving the series with issue #150, and is busy writing a Green Lantern one shot and the Voodoo series coming from DC this fall. His big project this summer though is Shinku, a bloody horror story set in Japan that involves samurai and vampires, and is just as cool as it sounds.
Read our exclusive interview with Ron Marz on SuicideGirls.com.
Iluvenis Suicide in Lovely

- INTO: Science, cooking, photos, love.
- NOT INTO: Fake people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My friendships, my loves, chocolate, ice cream, sugar.
- HOBBIES: Reading, photography, cinema, dancing, sex.
- VICES: Chocolate, sex, internet.
Get to know Iluvenis better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Fred Topel
“I use The Weekly World News to teach my son how to read.”
– Errol Morris
For some reason I expected Errol Morris to be a really serious documentarian trying to blow the lid off a scandal. Instead he was happy and smiling and laughing. He even made a joke that my two digital records (one for backup) were brother and sister. Morris has explored topics like police corruption in The Thin Blue Line and Abu Ghraib in SOP. His latest film, Tabloid tells a story we may not know, with a theme that still resonates today.
Joyce McKinney caused a scandal in the ‘70s when she allegedly kidnapped Kirk Anderson from the Mormon Church. At the time, the London tabloids either glorified her as a beautiful heroine or slammed her as a sexual predator. Today it takes far simpler scandals to make someone a tabloid star. For the film, Morris conducted an interview with McKinney and some of the other men who knew her, helped her or tried to stop her. The story unfolds in their own words, with a few on screen images for emphasis.
I spoke with Morris about today’s media, tabloid or otherwise.
Read our exclusive interview with Errol Morris on SuicideGirls.com.
Celina Suicide in Home Sweet Home

- INTO: Audio engineering, music, art, dancing, tequila and beer, photography, traveling, concerts, singing, coffee.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Coffee, beer, good music, great friends, dancing, stars, the ocean.
- HOBBIES: Singing, my band, dancing, sports, drinking, partying, skiing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, a good drink, dancing, vacation and journeys, my job.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free time, what is this?? I spend most of my time making music, living music, dancing to music. I’m audio engineer my hobby is my life. No free time, but a lot of good times 🙂
Get to know Celina better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Jay Hathaway
“People are more homicidal than they used to be.”
– John Linnell
John Linnell and John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants have been making music for 30 years, and they still haven’t run out of things to say. While other bands with that kind of longevity just go through the motions and secretly hate one another, the Johns somehow manage to get along and keep making good records.
Their 15th record, Join Us, has been three years in the making. During that time, They Might Be Giants have been putting out wildly successful kids’ albums, and Join Us marks their return to “adult” rock n’ roll.
We were lucky enough to spend some time on the phone with John Linnell, trying to figure out what this record is all about. It turns out that after 30 years, a band can just make music without having to explain themselves. Join Us is a They Might Be Giants record: you’ll either get it, or you won’t, and Linnell is totally okay with that.
Read our exclusive interview with John Linnell on SuicideGirls.com.
Dali Suicide in A Place In The Sun

- INTO: Art, fashion, food, snowboarding, traveling, meeting new people, lightning, paradoxes, nonsense, sci-fi movies, well done tattoos, laughing at life’s oddities, the Cincinnati Bengals, San Jose Sharks, Oakland A’s, and the Bay Area.
- NOT INTO: Picky eaters, bad tattoos, grass, not experiencing new things, close mindedness, the Steelers.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My two cats MaryJane and Spiderman, my white bunny YoJimbo Ninja, adoption of children or animals, going to a new place, eating bomb ass food, wearing a pair of beautiful sky high platform shoes with a sick outfit, spontaneous days.
- MAKES ME SAD: Roadkill, deforestation, oil spills.
- HOBBIES: Snowboarding, rock climbing, Bikram yoga, running, swimming, eating, sleeping.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Love, laughter, good food, good company, and good style.
- VICES: Shoes and booze.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Running, yoga, sleeping!
Get to know Dali better over at SuicideGirls.com!