by Jay Hathaway
“People love heroes. Nerd heroes.”
– MC Frontalot
MC Frontalot first coined the phrase nerdcore hip-hop in the late ’90s to describe tracks laid down over homemade beats, featuring lyrics about everything from Star Wars to Nigerian e-mail scams. This year, hes been on tour with a full band in support of his second full-length album, Secrets from the Future. While on the road, he was the subject of a documentary film, also entitled Nerdcore Rising.
SG had the chance to talk with MC Frontalot about the life of a professional rapper and the growing buzz around nerdcore hip-hop.
Read our exclusive interview with MC Frontalot on
Rainbow Suicide in Sunspots

- INTO: Green tea, chai tea, any other type of tea you could throw my way, music, hugs, Wicca, pain, cuddling, bright colors, boys, looking at girls, System of a Down, rainbows, getting bitten and biting, the gorgon Medusa, Mohawks, men with tattoos and piercings, Chuck Taylor’s, five hour daily talks with Adam, the uncanny valley, Crispy’s recaps and translations, the taste of envelope glue, back rubs, wearing jeans with no undies, lollypops, bluntness, sleeping naked, AIM, exclamation marks!!!, bubblegum and claw machines, going to see live shows, Johnny’s restaurant, surprises, my Viagra pens, getting things in the mail, musicals, toast with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff, candles and incense, fan artsies, children, Pee-wee Herman, video games, snakes and other scaly things, nudity, photographs/photography, Tourette’s syndrome, hair pulling, math and programming, wrestling in high school, correct grammar and punctuation, playing tennis, being obnoxious, and tacky jewelry.
- NOT INTO: Tommy the green Power Ranger, ignorant people, diets, fat people who wear clothes that are too small, complainers, women’s attitudes today, makeup, girly girls, being bladder shy, the sound of sex, bad Chinese food, feet, jealousy, waking up before noon, apple sauce, people who play the sympathy card, kids having kids, headaches, rap and country music, bright lights, soda, impatient IMers, people who can’t sing but think they can, crazy stalker people, mustard, paper cuts, poorly done tattoos, and your mom.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Rainbows, Columbus, Vinton County, Rusty reading to me, musicals, my itty bitty group of friends, watching people break bones, homo milk, Tsutar’s art, sleeping naked, my Xbox LIVE friends, the sound of scissors cutting construction paper, sitting at home and cuddling up with someone, watching local shows, my bed, sunshine, sunshine on my bed, Artemidoris being in Columbus with me, Rubik’s Cubes, my Chuck collection, my Rebel, my life!!!
- MAKES ME SAD: Chillicothe, bad music, bright lights, annoying sounds, trees being marked for cutting, assholes on Xbox LIVE, losing my puppy dog, snow and ice, winter, septum ring infections, my big bed being so big and empty.
- HOBBIES: Downloading DOS games, wasting time, singing obnoxiously, buying things off the internet, drawing, solving Rubik’s Cubes, wasting more time.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, love, tea, ganja and video games. :]
- VICES: Junk food and the monthly soda beverage I consume. Oh and possibly venti, iced, skinny, caramel Macchiatos from Starbucks.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Playing ’round on the web, doin’ art, dancing around in my undies, pwnin’ newbies on CoD, making various arts and crafts, playing around with my canine and feline pals, watching TV, and various other things.
Get to know Rainbow better over at!
by Aaron Colter
Don’t read this blog post. It’s not very good, and by the time you’re done, you’ll only wish you had spent that time looking up just about anything else on the internet. I heard this site has pictures of nice looking ladies without clothes on, maybe you should look at those instead.
by Michael Marano
“You might be fighting a stunt man in a silver suit dressed up like DEVO,..”
– Paul Bettany
Paul Bettany is a BAFTA-nominated actor who has acted with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He’s a hard man to pin down, given the wide variety of roles he’s had in a wide variety of movies. He’s played: a young Geoffrey Chaucer in A Knight’s Tale; a killer albino monk assassin in The Da Vinci Code; Russell Crowe’s “best friend” Charles in A Beautiful Mind and even Charles Darwin in Creation.
Scott Charles Stewart is a special effects expert who left George Lucas’ ILM to found his own company, The Orphanage, which contributed effects to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Iron Man, and maybe most notably, Korean director Joon-Ho Bong’s amazing monster movie The Host.
Stewart has recently started directing features, and with leading man Bettany has made a couple of religious themed action/horror films – Legion, about the Archangel Michael defending humanity from God’s wrath, and Priest, based very loosely on the Koreanmanhwa graphic novel series by Min-Woo Hyung, in which Catholic priests, who bear cross tattoos on their faces, have been trained to fight vampires.
Lyxzen Suicide in A Sunny Day In Portland

- INTO: Always: good company, food experiments, walking anywhere and everywhere, cat snuggles, the public library, taking photos at inappropriate times. Lately: sweets like you would NOT believe, Katy Perry’s boobs, asking questions.
- NOT INTO: Dishonesty, apathy, ignorance.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Serotonin, dopamine, ampersands, a fully-stocked kitchen, and sunshine.
- MAKES ME SAD: Feeling lost.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: lip balm, my pillow, peppermint tea, fruit, and words.
- VICES: Miami.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Eating Peanut Butter Pows.
Get to know Lyxzen better over at!
by Blogbot
This Sunday (May 15th) our very special in-studio guests are love experts Marni Kinrys a.k.a. Wing Girl and Michael Des Barres. Wing Girl has developed her own pro-female method for success to help men with dating and relationships. Meanwhile, Michael Des Barres is known for his erotic poetry and his ‘hands on’ work in the field. This week’s show will therefore be a roundtable discussion of love, sex and relationships from both the male and female perspectives.
Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on
Got questions? Then dial our studio hotline digits this Sunday between 10 PM and midnight PST: 877-900-1031
Busy on Sunday? Then find all our podcasts at and listen at your leisure.
And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.
by Ryan Stewart
“We’re making a zombie movie, but really they’re just hungry.”
– Larry Fessenden, producer
Despite the success of the Twilight franchise, real vampire movies are alive and well. I found out as much in November 2009, when, on behalf of SuicideGirls I took a drive up to Woodstock, NY, to visit the set of Stake Land, a low-budget horror film that eschews sparkly, boy-band vamps in favor of the more traditional, animalistic bloodsuckers we all know and love.
Writer/director Jim Mickle, who made the rounds a few years ago with his much talked-about indie-horror film Mulberry Street, is the brain behind the project, a road movie that takes place in a post-apocalyptic North America, years after a war between vampires and humans has left the entire continent in ruins and relegated survivors to a medieval existence, living hand-to-mouth and traveling together in tightly-formed, armed brigades.