by Gerry Duggan
“My first reaction was that Ron Moore must have gone crazy.”
– Bear McCreary
Composer Bear McCreary is the composer of the best show on TV: Battlestar Galactica. In addition to his superb work on that program he somehow has found the time to compose excellent music for Eureka, the forthcoming Sarah Connor Chronicles, and the feature soundtrack to Wrong Turn 2.
Bear made some time in his hectic schedule to discuss his upcoming projects. All of Bear’s soundtracks are available (usually signed) from La La Land Records. One word of caution: care has been taken not to spoil anythig huge about BSG, however those not wanting to know anything about events through season 3 should stop reading right now.
Read our exclusive interview with Bear McCreary on
Pilot Suicide in Landing Strip

- INTO: Bicycling, ceramic animals, collecting old stuff, records, vinyasa, a good rhyming thesaurus, word masters.
- NOT INTO: Mosquitos.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My dogs Igby and Fred.
- MAKES ME SAD: Friends who live far away.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My dogs, coffee, iPhone, bicycle, paint.
- VICES: Cigarettes, tattoos, olives.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Raping department stores and designing synthetic hairballs for ceramic cats. I also river dance the shit out of spiders from time to time.
Get to know Pilot better over at!
by Erin Broadley
“Christian groups are holding candlelight vigils outside the network headquarters”
– Tom Kapinos
Hank Moody eases his convertible sports car onto the long and twisting road that snakes through Hollywood Forever Cemetary, making his way past the ponds, tombs and exotic birds that roam the grounds. A cigarette dangles from his lips and it looks like he might have had one too many drinks the night before and perhaps, just moments ago, kicked some strange woman-child out of his bed. He pulls up to a church and promptly douses his cigarette in holy water.
Hank is having what he calls a crisis of faith and thinks perhaps God can help ease his writers block. No such luck. Instead of uttering the usual Our Fathers or Hail Marys, Hank gets a blowjob from a nun. Sweet baby Jesus, he says. Hank is going to Hell. Welcome to Hanks world. Welcome to Californication, Showtime’s hit series.
Ceres Suicide in The Search For Waldo

- INTO: Astrology, lust, Greek and Roman mythology, learning, organics, body modification, adventures, music, and photography.
- NOT INTO: Sci-fi, pop culture, blast beats, Halo.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My boyfriend, cigarettes, sunshine, cuddling, the beach, heavy breakdowns, naked girls, titties, and kitties.
- MAKES ME SAD: Abuse, anxiety, and indecisiveness.
- HOBBIES: Photography, blogging, painting, reading, drawing, and lovin’.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Camera, smokes, mum, pencil, and paper.
- VICES: Smoking!
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Blogging, with my best friends and boyfriend, or on SG.
Get to know Ceres better over at!
by Keith Daniels
“Rasputina is like a living photograph with sound.”
– Melora Creager
The first (and best) cello-based rock band, Rasputina, formed over twenty years ago in Brooklyn, New York. Based around founding auteur Melora Creager, the band has seen many members come and go over the years and had more drummers than Spın̈al Tap, but has maintained a consistent vision throughout. Their songs focus on Creager’s obsessions: historical oddities, fantastical theories, and the strength of women. The whole is tied together with her handmade aesthetic into an artistically unified production: from their album art to their stage performances (called ‘recitals’) to their music. Rasputina’s most recent album is Great American Gingerbread, a collection of demos and other rarities. Melora and I spoke recently about her songwriting method, her proudest moment, and how she keeps Rasputina fresh after two decades in the music business.
Read our exclusive interview with Melora Creager on
Glitch Suicide in Unmasked

- INTO: Zombies, freaks, glasses, girls, art, aromatherapy, anime, geekiness, corsets, vampires, vintage, horror, anarchism, nature, baths, cult flicks, comics, burlesque, calligraphy, bubble tea, cemeteries, Yerba Mate tea, supporting local business, kissing, almond milk, lotions & potions, feminism, diversity, sci-fi, mannequin body parts, flea markets. Books, different perspectives, conspiracy theories, awkwardness, bitter comedians, kinky porn, atheism, questions, revolution, action, science, thought patterns.
- NOT INTO: Conservatives, racism, misogyny, fake breasts, war, animal cruelty, materialism, people who are afraid to be themselves, repression, meat, religion.
- HOBBIES: Painting, bike cruising, dancing, walking, traveling, going to shows, making out, .applying makeup, philosophizing, writing, being kinky, drinking tea, fantasizing..
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Eyeliner, sneakers, hair dye, fruit, and lip balm!
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Cuddling kitties, walking, reading, rocking out, having sex, exploring my body, conversing, dreaming, cooking, watching movies.
Get to know Glitch better over at!
by Missy
“I am a slave to no thing except love.”
– Josh Homme
Queens of the Stone Age frontman and the most rockin’ man in showbiz, Josh Homme, had an early morning call with me after a late night of partying to talk about life on the road, midgets, and his new naughty video for the single “3’s and 7’s” that premiered on SuicideGirls.
Read our exclusive interview with Josh Homme on