by Nicole Powers
“I don’t want to be culturally irresponsible.”
– Janeane Garofalo
“I do try like hell to not be ashamed. But, sometimes I am, I have to admit,” says New Jersey-born comedienne, actress and activist, Janeane Garofalo. We’ve been talking for close to 45 minutes – mostly about TV, politics, the media, and the toxicity of contemporary pop culture. As I switch the tape recorder off and the conversation winds down, we briefly discuss what Garofalo herself turns to in order to unwind, which is the source of her current state of angst.
“Sometimes I fall dreadfully short, behavior-wise, activity-wise. Sometimes I’ll watch bad television, sometimes I’ll read crappy magazines and I’m ashamed, because I’ve done it,” she admits. The New York resident, who recently released a new stand up DVD entitled If You Will, is currently living outside of her comfort zone in a Los Angeles hotel while filming the Criminal Minds spin-off Suspect Behavior (which also stars Academy Award winning actor Forest Whitaker).
Silvi Suicide in Silvi Strikes Back

- INTO: Photography, psychology, cuddles, laughing until it hurts, sleeping in, music and singing at the top of my lungs in the car.
- NOT INTO: Lifted trucks.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Any baby animal, days spent at the beach, making out, Coldstone ice cream.
- MAKES ME SAD: Ignorance.
Get to know Silvi better over at!
by Nicole Powers
“The actual point of politics is lost.”
– 3D (a.k.a. Robert Del Naja)
‘You’re only paranoid if they’re not out to get you,’ is an adage that’s self-evidently true. With that as a given, Massive Attack mainstay 3D (a.k.a. Robert Del Naja) has every right to feel more than a little suspicious and mistrustful, especially when it comes to matters of internet privacy, security and surveillance.
After the FBI passed on a list of 7,300 UK credit card numbers associated with various porn sites (some legal and some of an illicit nature) to UK authorities, 3D was swept up in the excessively wide net of an indiscriminate police sting in 2003. Though allegations of any wrongdoing were unfounded, the repercussions were severe for the outspoken graffiti artist, vocalist and music producer. His home was raided, and all his computers and hard drives were confiscated for several months. To compound the situation, despite the fact that no charges directly relating to the police operation were ever filed, the furor that surrounded the investigation and baseless accusations (which were leaked and sensationally reported by a tabloid newspaper) meant that touring plans to promote Massive Attack’s fourth studio album 100th Window had to be put on hold. The situation was all the more ironic considering the title of that album referred to a book that exposed the flaws in computer security and the rampant misuse of information in the internet age.
Archie Suicide in Touring The Facility

- INTO: Peace, love.
- NOT INTO: War, hate.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Good people and beautiful surroundings.
- MAKES ME SAD: Money and what it does to people, society and relationships.
- HOBBIES: Photography, drawing, painting, motorcycling, mandolin-ing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sketchbook, the Dennis Hopper “easy rider” hat, record player, camera, bicycle.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With my head in the clouds day dreaming.
Get to know Archie better over at!
by Nicole Powers
“Acceptance was the key for me.”
– Cherie Currie
You can’t always control the situations you find yourself in, but you can control how you react to them. This is a lesson that Runaways frontwoman, singer and rock & roll icon Cherie Currie learned the hard way.
After a chance meeting with vocalist/guitarist Joan Jett and demented pop n’ rock Svengali Kim Fowley (a producer whose credits at the time included the novelty hit “They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa”), Currie found herself at the eye of the storm that was The Runaways at age fifteen. The year was 1975, and the male-dominated industry was keen to dismiss the fledgling Los Angeles-based all-girl quintet (which, during Currie’s tenure with the group, featured Lita Ford on lead guitar, Jackie Fox on bass, and the late Sandy West on drums).
Under the guidance (or, it could be argued, misguidance) of Fowley, who was a formidable taskmaster, the girls relentlessly rehearsed until they were a beyond tight unit and a force to be reckoned with. Creatively and musically, Fowley’s berating and bullying – his primary motivational tactics – paid off. Over the course of the next two very hectic years The Runaways would leave an indelible mark on the music industry, smashing the misconceptions of those who ever doubted that women could rock.
Laykafiction Suicide in Paris Is My Ship

- INTO: Photography, modeling, music, dance, tattoos, piercing, art, traveling, sport, hair, make-up.
- NOT INTO: Drama.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Love, smiles, care, snow, chocolate, friends, my dog, play, dreams, new things, tomorrow, new shoes, flowers, pin-up art, my cats, my iPhone, the ocean, my mum, warm weather, watermelon, vintage clothes shopping, road trips, circus arts, beautiful women, and the list goes on and on…
- MAKES ME SAD: When people don’t appreciate what they have, violence against animals, that I can’t imagine life without cell phones, misunderstandings, people who pretend to understand and don’t, hate, homelessness, some songs, fake friends, racist people, people picking on others to feel better about themselves, when vacation is over…
- HOBBIES: Photography, dancing, music, movies, wakeboarding, kite-surfing, HC16, games, drawing, painting, dreaming, shopping.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Technology, sex, my animal, ocean, music and so many other things actually.
Get to know Laykafiction better over at!
by Blogbot
This week’s pin-up tip comes from SuicideGirls Model Coordinator Rambo.
TRY: Almay 16-Hour Liquid Eyeliner
WHY: It’s no secret that applying liquid eyeliner flawlessly requires a lot of practice and patience. However, the result can be some seriously sultry bedroom eyes.