by Ryan Stewart
April 11, 1983 was the definitive day in Dave Mustaine’s professional life. As lead guitarist and contributing songwriter for an up-and-coming thrash metal band called Metallica, he had been living out his dream of making a living at playing metal for over a year and a half. Like many at the time, he was also beginning to sense that his band was something truly special, a ferociously talented foursome that had the potential to go where no metal band had gone before. A musical virtuoso with unlimited ambition, Mustaine’s eyes were fixed on the future, but he was badly neglecting the present. A problem with drinking and drugs, owed in part to a rootless childhood, had plagued him for years, and as success drew closer his reckless behavior increased and lines were crossed. No one knows what the final straw really was, but on the morning of April 11, while Metallica was in N.Y.C. on business, Mustaine was awoken by singer James Hetfield and unceremoniously handed a Greyhound ticket home to L.A. He was out of Metallica, without so much as a warning.
Jenez Suicide in Physical

- INTO: Cats, art, psychedelic music.
- NOT INTO: Horses, bullshit, mainstream music.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Smell after the rain.
- HOBBIES: Dancing, photography, laughing, kissing, sports, painting.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Ice cream, sun, flowers, chocolate, coffee.
- VICES: Smoking, jealousy.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In the nature or in my bed.
Get to know Jenez better over at!
by Brett Warner
They call it “loss prevention”- an attempt to minimize shrinkage, shoplifting, and all other sorts of profit loss. Standing behind a computer screen, fake smiles all around, the word “Information” hanging like a halo over your head… it’s easy to start thinking about things you’ve lost along the way. A soccer mom asks for the Self Help section and like a prized show dog, you walk to her through the aisles, handing her a copy of He’s Just Not That Into You with a chipper “Have a good day!” the first of hundreds you’ll give out before closing time. The truth is that you silently hate this woman, and the next customer, and the next. You hate her because you never planned on selling books for a living. And each query, each title search, each cash register transaction is a blunt reminder of what’s gone missing, of what little there is left. Management worries about lost product – a bookseller worries about losing themselves.
by Ryan Stewart
Your last glimpse of Michelle Rodriguez was probably in the third act of Avatar, when, as heroic marine pilot Trudy Chacon, she turned on her colonial military bosses and went down with her ship, fighting for the rights of the native Na’vi cat people. It was a typically badass finish for an actress who has garnered a reputation for both kicking much on-screen ass and almost always biting it in the end.
Benten Suicide in I Am Not A Model

- INTO: taking photographs, having a big camera, roboraptor, tyranids (esp genestealers, kickass), shiny things, technology, lizards, transformers, lipgloss, kohl liner, biting my nails, having bad hair(even though i wish it was good), vienese slices, hot baths, money, lego, velociraptors, photoshop, my heater, penguins, Foxgloves, dior, industrial flooring, stairs, breaking and entering, knives, gerbils, aqua raiders, heights, cardassia prime, crayola, bats, origami, darts, skinks, spontaneous kisses, studio lighting, my new duck, fake nails, leopard prints, carbon, junk food, going to mcdonalds and causing a scene if they can’t offer me a vegetarian option, downloading videogame soundtracks from frostwire so i dont have to pay 30 odd quid to import them from japan, collecting stuff, brown paper, wearing huge stompy boots, the aroma of disinfectant, dvd releases of cartoons after huge copyright arguments for 2 decades, narcissism, spending too much time on the internet, pornography featuring women who look like barbie dolls with huge fake tits and white blonde hair who know how to fuck and make it sexy…
- NOT INTO: Early mornings, the freezing cold, going to bed, playstation 3, apologising, cheap haircuts, running out of tea, people who add smileys or ‘lols’ to the ends of sentences all the fucking time when what they wrote isnt fucking funny
- MAKES ME HAPPY: breakfast in bed, late night walks, spontaneity, receiving letters, going to the seaside, building lego, the thought of a sequel to Nights into Dreams
- MAKES ME SAD: ignorance, intolerance, lightroom, my broken control button
- HOBBIES: computer games, photography, painting, drawing, building tyranids, collecting anything and everything, making lists
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT:eyeliner, my computer, tea, mr.white, penguins
- VICES: Biting my nails. ice pops, hair straighteners, turning the radiators up, apologising, lists, chain drinking tea, mjd, narcissism, my iPhone, rose wine
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: playing computer games, harassing my friends on the internet, generally being a loser and trying to cover it up with makeup, jewellery and fine clothes.
Get to know Benten better over at!
by Brett Warner
My younger brother used to play softball and during the games, I would wander about the nearby train tracks or bum around in the small playground. (My main concern that summer was whether Agent Mulder could really be dead — he wasn’t, though in retrospect it might have been wiser for my then favorite show to go out while it was still ahead.) One day, there was another young kid on the swing set and he had this small, red, egg-shaped video game on a key chain. It had a funny name and my fifth grade eyes glazed over as he explained how the thing worked. “These are gonna be the next Beanie Babies,” he promised. I think I probably told him that was stupid. Shows what I know.
July Suicide in Almost Golden

- INTO: I like riding my bike, pie, fermentation, tattoos, sleeping with the windows open, pampering myself, selling panties, gardening, books, dancing, sourdough bread, clean rooms, getting lost, finding my way, making things, eating things, going places
- NOT INTO: poor lighting, drugs, animal abuse, drugs, elitist attitudes, taking the easy way out
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Pie, Rain, Autumn, Pain, Gardens, Dogs, Cats, traveling the world, good coffee, calling home, tea, watching things grow
- MAKES ME SAD: Poor Communication, Citrus, Animals peeing on my stuff, Itchy tattoos, bad coffee, tourists, consumerism,
- HOBBIES: Wandering the Planet, Books, Gardens, Bikes, Selling Panties
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Things do not define me and therefore I can live without them. I just wont like it much.
- VICES: Candy, food, travel, books, coffee, kissing
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: trying to figure out where the hell I am, wondering what Im doing with my life, making plans and wasting time.
Get to know July better over at!