Apr 2012 10

by Blogbot

Every week we ask the ladies and gentlemen of the web to show us their finest ink in celebration of #TattooTuesday.

Our favorite submission from Twitter wins a free 3 month membership to

We had so many amazing entries this time around that we decided to pick two winners!

The first #TattooTuesday winner is Christine a.k.a. @christinean from Vancouver, BC.

Our second #TattooTuesday winner is Kyle Hughes a.k.a. @Drkylehughes from Salford, England.

Enter this week’s competition by replying to this tweet with a pic of your fav tattoo and the #tattootuesday hashtag.

Good luck!

A few things to remember:

  • You have to be 18 to qualify.
  • The tattoo has to be yours…that means permanently etched on your body.
  • On Twitter we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!

Check out the Tattoo Tuesday winners of weeks past!

Apr 2012 10

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“If everything was always the same it would get boring.”
– Ralph Fiennes

SuicideGirls got a chance to talk Ralph Fiennes about his lead role in The Constant Gardener, his vocal histrionics in Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit and his upcoming villainous turn as Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Read our exclusive interview with Ralph Fiennes on

Apr 2012 10

Dwam Suicide in Woad

  • INTO: Art, food, and art.
  • NOT INTO: Being serious.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Books, late night funny conversations, pictures, mountains, music, movies, lonely train rides, foreign languages, poetry, smoothies, puns and innuendos, hikes in the forest, freckles, books, pancakes, drinking tea with friends, cakes, sleeping over, massages, cooking for pretty girls, pretty girls cooking for me, sticking wild street art at night, books, comics, film soundtracks, 3-people baths, sending gift parcels, chocolate, did I already say books?
  • MAKES ME SAD: Exhaustion.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: A book, a computer, a sketchbook, a brush, an inhaler.
  • VICES: I bite my nails to bleed and constantly oogle on pretty girls.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: On the internet, jumping from one idea to a Wikipedia reference to a biography to book lists to another idea to another Wiki search to a new artist portfolio and so on..

Get to know Dwam better over at!

Apr 2012 09

by David Seaman / video segment produced by Lindsey Miller

SG’s political correspondent David Seaman contemplates CISPA – a SOPA-like Big Brother bill that is gaining traction right now – and decides it may be time to take drastic measures!

In case you’re not familiar with CISPA, the Minnesota Daily explains that:

H.R. 3532, similarly to SOPA, emphasizes digital piracy and file sharing, while also considering the infringement of intellectual property as a security threat…Under CISPA, Internet service providers and other companies could be forced to share user data with government agencies.

The EFF strongly opposes the bill because:

H.R. 3523, also known as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011, would let companies spy on users and share private information with the federal government and other companies with near-total immunity from civil and criminal liability. It effectively creates a “cybersecurity” exemption to all existing laws.

There are almost no restrictions on what can be collected and how it can be used, provided a company can claim it was motivated by “cybersecurity purposes.”

Democratic Underground cautions:

CISPA gives private companies the ability to collect and share information about their customers or users with immunity — meaning we cannot sue them for doing so, and they cannot be charged with any crimes.

And Mashable warns:

The bill already has over 100 co-sponsors and the backing of some of Silicon Valley’s most prominent companies, including Microsoft and Facebook — support which SOPA never enjoyed.

Over half a million people have signed a petition to Stop CISCA. Add your name to it here.

A summary of the CISPA text can be viewed on the Library of Congress website.


Apr 2012 09

by Blogbot

Earlier this year, SG radio presenters Nicole Powers (SG’s Managing Ed), Lacey Conner (all round rockstar and recovering VH1 reality TV star), and Darrah de jour (SG’s Red, White & Femme post-feminist sex and sensuality columnist) were joined in studio by actress turned lifestyle guru Mariel Hemingway and her partner, stuntman and fitness expert Bobby Williams. Together they have developed a holistic regimen, which they call The Willing Way.

The pair spent a full two hours in the SG Radio studio explaining their all-encompassing mind, body, and soul philosophy. Going from yin to yang, we discussed the importance of getting enough sunlight in your life (Mariel and Bobby like to watch the sun rise and set each day, though they avoid the burning midday rays), and how to keep darkness at bay. With her life having been touched by several suicides, Mariel spoke about how she battled her own depressive tendencies, and how she has empowered herself to find a sense of wellbeing.

This being SG Radio, there was also plenty of laughter, and lots of conversation on our favorite subject – sex. Thus, the first hour of our show was devoted to talk of orgasms – and the importance of having a healthy diet of them, in order to achieve a truly balanced life.

Whatch the video above to see edited highlights from this very special SG Radio show!

For more information follow Mariel and Bobby / The Willing Way on Twitter.

Apr 2012 09

Vassilis Suicide in It Just Is

  • INTO: Kung Fu, chillaxing, music, naughty behavior, sexy tattoos, and piercings.
  • NOT INTO: People who are stupid because they are to lazy to be any other way.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Penguins, hanging with friends, reading a good book, learning new things, road trips.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Considering where I live it’s a LONG list, which includes running. Running is a terrible activity, and should be banned.
  • HOBBIES: Kung Fu, reading, drawing, writing.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: I can’t name just five things…definitely my books, my laptop, my cellphone, my car, my bed, my jeans, my iPod…Okay, I’m just going to land up listing everything so I am going to stop now 😉
  • VICES: Not having a brain/mouth filter, being a HUGE flirt, being stubborn, chocolate.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Training or teaching, reading, studying, hanging with my favorite people.

Get to know Vassilis better over at!

Apr 2012 06

Casanova Suicide in Nostalgia

  • INTO: Surfing the web, drinking, partying with friends, sleepovers, pillow fights, cats, long drives (especially at night), living life and smiling every day – all day.
  • NOT INTO: Fighting, politics, hangovers, doing dishes, small yappy dogs.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, my family, my kitten, shopping, eating junk food all day while sitting on the computer blogging about how much fun last night was…even if I can’t remember it.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Saying goodbye, sad movies, finding out my milk has expired, pulling my iPod out only to find it’s dead.
  • HOBBIES: I make jewelry, vintage shop, blog about living richly for cheap, surf the web for various reasons, and I also collect masks.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My Computer, my kitten, my credit card, Vans Era’s, sunglasses.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sitting on the computer or partying. If I’m not doing one of those two things, something is probably wrong with me LOL.

Get to know Casanova better over at!