By Daniel Robert Epstein
“Love is something that you work on over time and the more you get to know someone you love them more or not. Lust is immediate. It’s something that you feel upon first meeting.” – Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson goes through every emotion in the new Woody Allen film, Match Point. After she breaks up with her British fiancé, she begins an affair with his brother in law played by Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. Rhys-Meyers soon realizes that he doesn’t want to end his marriage and realizes this can only end one way
Read our exclusive interview with Scarlett Johansson on
Mel Suicide in Mirror Mirror

- INTO: Music –– I can listen to anything and everything, I love it. Tattoos –– I love them and will be getting a few very soon, when I get a bit more money! Pierceings are great too, I used to have ten, but I took them out. I miss my third and second navel piercings! I love photography and crazy make-up, and one day hope to be a make-up artist. I love festivals. I went to reading festival this year and was trashed –– it was amazing. My friends are pretty much my main priority; I love them to bits and I’m so protective over them.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, obviously, going out and getting drunk with them, food, new clothes, sparkly things. I’m easily pleased!
- MAKES ME SAD: Backstabbing, arguments, fake people in general.
- HOBBIES: Athletics, socializing, going to gigs, having a good time in general, drawing, painting.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My best friends, laptop, phone, and a splash of make-up.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Out with my friends, sleeping, eating. I hate being stuck indoors!
Get to know Mel better over at!
By Daniel Robert Epstein
“Since then, anything that’s got a good rhythm to it that makes people move I really like, no matter what genre of music it is..” – M.I.A.
M.I.A. latest album is Arular is being propelled by the dancehall hit “Galang.” But beneath the surface of this danceable fun track there is a power and politicalness that M.I.A. has carried with her whole life.
Read our exclusive interview with M.I.A. on
Rosetta Suicide in In Technicolor

- INTO: Chemistry, concerts, cosplay, drawing, all kinds of art, comics and manga, friendship, looking at the sky, music, turtles, little things, snow.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Good company, a kiss, making people laugh, when the people make me smile.
- MAKES ME SAD: Hot days, abuse to animals, stupid people that pretend they’re smart.
- HOBBIES: Cosplay, transforming t-shirts, music.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, internet, a camera, laptop, and my cellphone.
- VICES: Music, concerts, love, movies.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In my school, with my friends, and I love every moment.
Get to know Rosetta better over at!
By Daniel Robert Epstein
“I’m not big on heroes. I’m more interested in the fact that he’s not just a hero. I think the whole Gunpowder Plot is extraordinary and should be put on film.” – Hugo Weaving
Hugo Weaving had a difficult task when he reteamed with the Wachowski brothers and their director James McTeigue on their adaptation of the Alan Moore and David Lloyd graphic novel V for Vendetta. James Purefoy had already filmed some scenes as V then was let go, giving Weaving only a few days to prepare before coming to set to replace him. But Weaving relished the challenge and rose up and according to reports from the first screening of V for Vendetta; they’ve pulled off an amazing film.
Read our exclusive interview with Hugo Weaving on
Eon Suicide in Green Ray

- INTO: Tattoos, piercings, nipple piercings, girls, guys, nighttime, cuddling, adventures, night walks, silliness, anime, manga, art, zombies, hair dye, corsets, suspenders, relaxing, lilies, fields, fantasy, dreams, in-depth conversations, short hair, dancing, ideas, foot rubs, lovely bums, music, long hugs, boobs, pale skin, nudity, body paint, video games, green tea, gore, and so on.
- NOT INTO: People who don’t take chances. Live a little. People who complain all the time. Closed minded people.
- HOBBIES: Reading, walking, gaming, magic, drawing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Eye makeup, my computer, something to read, friends.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Browsing SG, reading, dancing around, exploring various interests.
Get to know Eon better over at!
by Blogbot
Every week we ask the ladies and gentlemen of the web to show us their finest ink in celebration of #TattooTuesday.
Our favorite submission from Twitter wins a free 3 month membership to
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, this week we picked two tattoo lovers!

The first winner is @BarbieMayhem, with her yummy punk rock cupcake.

The second winner is @Grex18, with his elaborate and beautifully colored shoulder piece.
Enter this week’s competition by replying to this tweet with a pic of your fav tattoo and the #tattootuesday hashtag.
Good luck!
A few things to remember:
- You have to be 18 to qualify.
- The tattoo has to be yours…that means permanently etched on your body.
- On Twitter we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!
Check out the Tattoo Tuesday winners of weeks past!