by Jules Bleach
So what happens after the happily ever after? Or more specifically the moment it begins. Most stories are based on two things, Girls and Conflict. I have this theory that every song ever written, every picture ever taken, every film ever filmed, every artwork ever drawn, or painted was in a small sense done to impress a girl, boy or partner/ lover. Now don’t get me wrong, I also believe the possibility that most creation is done out of Pure Inspiration and for the pride of one’s self and abilities. But I’m just saying, it’s a noticeable aspect that must be considered, Dali’ had Gala, etc.
by Star Padilla
I need an answer to a question that’s boggled my mind for some time now: Is it truly bad of me to date someone whom I can tell genuinely likes me more than I like him?
“Sure the guy from last night was cute and seemed pretty cool, but long term I don’t think I can see this going anywhere.”
Now in my defense, that’s my first impression. We all know it takes time for another to ‘grow’ on us for lack of better words. In this situation I’m thinking maybe, if I keep him around, though he may not initially have been my type, this could possibly go somewhere because I know he’s a great catch. Or am I’m being selfish and trying too hard to make it something it’s just not?
by AJ Focht
SPOILER ALERT!: First and foremost I warn all who have not seen Scott Pilgrim VS. The World or read its comic counter parts, I will be using spoilers to get my point across; if you haven’t seen the movie (or read the comics) perhaps you should wait to read this.
An interesting change from the comic to the film adaption of Scott Pilgrim VS. The World was the use of the “Power of Self-Respect” sword at the end of the film. In the comics Scott ended up with the “Power of Understanding” sword, which he used to defeat Gideon. In the movie, Scott realizes that he needs to fight Gideon for himself and not for Ramona. This grants him the “Power of Self-Respect” that helps him in his defeat.
by Dan Tabor
If you thought break-ups were complicated when you were still among the dating, you have absolutely nothing on our digital lovebirds of today. Where once if you got really adventurous you might have some naked-time videotapes and Polaroids to worry about once the relationship ran its course, now with the picture perfect replication of digital technology it’s a much more complicated matter altogether.
by Brett Warner
“I don’t really like this song.” She achieves in six offhand words what took Robert Smith most of the last two decades to accomplish: I realize that I’ve made a terrible mistake.
This girl – working as a waitress… not in a cocktail bar, but at the local IHOP – is short, blonde, cute. Nice, fun to talk to. I buy her a scone at Panera Bread. She brings her laptop, shows me pictures of her dog. We trade in gossip, forgotten secrets, and YouTube videos. She is a mystery as yet unfolded and I am a meek sojourner just looking for a friend.
But then, as always, comes the painful truth… She doesn’t like “Just Like Heaven” by The Cure.
by Bob Suicide
Geek and chic are becoming synonymous these days. I was looking at a fashion blog this morning that was praising the fashion-forward notion of horn-rimmed glasses and suspenders. And, while capitalizing on or bastardizing a culture of people who, only years beforehand were ridiculed for the same appearance seems a bit odd–to say the least–there is something to be said that now–more that ever before–it’s easy for you to look cool. And, trust me, it’s worth it if you want to get the high score with the nerdy ladies.