Mel Suicide in Undercover Konnenkova

- INTO: I like to laugh and mess around a lot. I don’t take life too seriously. I’m a massive cat enthusiast.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Food, alcohol, friends (obviously), modeling, memes, sunshine, music, DJing, Hello Kitty, cats.
- MAKES ME SAD: Ignorance, fake people, being cold, hangovers.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My best friends, laptop, phone, and a splash of make-up.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Being an absolute spazz with my friends!
Get to know Mel better over at!
Lyxzen Suicide in This Is It

- INTO: Perry’s boobs, asking questions, fruit, good company, walking anywhere and everywhere, cat snugs, the public library, taking photos at inappropriate times.
- NOT INTO: Dishonesty, apathy, ignorance.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Serotonin, dopamine, ampersands, a fully-stocked kitchen, and sunshine.
- MAKES ME SAD: Feeling lost.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Lip balm, my pillow, peppermint tea, fruit, and words.
- VICES: Miami.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In a frantic state of confusion.
Get to know Lyxzen better over at!
Fernanda Suicide in The Red Couch

- INTO: Yes, everyone loves party…But that’s not all in life!!! I love to read a good book, to watch a good movie…to lose my time just doing silly things with my friends or feed my brain with something new…Design is my passion, to read, my hobby.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, my family, rain, dancing, and LOVE makes me happy…Oh, and chocolates!
- MAKES ME SAD: Any kind of cruelty…Wars!!! When my beloved ones are sad 🙁
- HOBBIES: Reading, designing, painting.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My laptop, chocolates, my family, my friends, and MUSIC!
- VICES: I used to smoke a lot, now I smoke like 1-2 cigars per week. I’m trying to quit – I really am.
Get to know Fernanda better over at!
Atomic and Terrox in Halloween Dream

Atomic Suicide
- INTO: Sex, love and rock & roll.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Chocolate.
Terrox Suicide
- INTO: Clothes.
- NOT INTO: Infidelity, homophobia, religion.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Dance, spending a lot of time with my friends, pot, sweet words about me, pink stuff.
- MAKES ME SAD: Dishonesty.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Straightener, pot, diet coke, jewels, make up.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Seeing panda videos.
Get to know Atomic and Terrox better over at!
Veda Suicide in Wrong Side of The Tracks

- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sleeping in, genuinely nice people, good beer, NY pizza, and 2 Chainz.
- MAKES ME SAD: Internet trolls.
- HOBBIES: Learning to read tarot, forensics TV, nail art, collecting lighters, discovering new beers.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Pizza, bagels, pizza bagels, my iPhone, and Seinfeld reruns.
- VICES: Oversleeping, coffee, cigarette breaks, drunk texting.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Cleaning up after my cats because they run the house and I just live here.
Get to know Veda better over at!
Pilot Suicide in Typography

- INTO: Bicycling, ceramic animals, collecting old stuff, records, vinyasa, a good rhyming thesaurus, word masters, traveling.
- NOT INTO: Mosquitos, casseroles, Walmart, and meat.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My dogs Igby and Fred, sex, cuddles, autumn, making things.
- MAKES ME SAD: Friends who live far away, the world we live in.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My dogs, caffeine, iPhone, bicycle, paint.
- VICES: Tattoos, olives, Jackie-Os.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Raping department stores and designing synthetic hairballs for ceramic cats. I also river dance the shit out of spiders from time to time.
Get to know Pilot better over at!