May 2011 18

Tweedle Suicide in Wake ‘N’ Bake

  • INTO: Oil paints, sex, kitty cats, sharing food with friends, cuddles, fresh ground coffee and fresh fruit smoothies, Disney, geeking out, unbearably hot summer days where your clothes stick to your skin, obsessing, tweezing my eyebrows, spicy food, learning, girls who love John Wayne, daydreaming, passion, snuggly warm blankets, giving, hugging trees, feeling everything to its fullest degree, living and loving life and those that are in it with me, and cuts, holes and ink in my skin.
  • NOT INTO: Littering, factory farms and fast food chains, corporate America as a whole, fruit flies, ragweed and allergies, growing up, country music, big crowds, materialism, plastic shopping bags, when jelly gets in my peanut butter, bad drivers, meat, animal cruelty, being underestimated, being coddled and/or belittled, (most) television, modern civilization, pharmaceuticals, being told to “chill,” “calm down,” or “relax”, doing the dishes, snow, pregnancy, trying to walk in high heels, Shrek, big crowds, running out of toilet paper, celery, Denzel Washington, fainting, forgetting things, mornings.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Art, Smokey, loving, giving, pursuing my dreams.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Animal cruelty of any sort.
  • HOBBIES: Painting, drawing, cooking/uncooking, running, playing with animals!
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Food, water, a dwelling, my health (both mental and physical), self-love.
  • VICES: Having my skin stabbed, cut, bitten, burned, etc.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Lost in my own head.

Get to know Tweedle better over at!

May 2011 17

Rainbow Suicide in Sunspots

  • INTO: Green tea, chai tea, any other type of tea you could throw my way, music, hugs, Wicca, pain, cuddling, bright colors, boys, looking at girls, System of a Down, rainbows, getting bitten and biting, the gorgon Medusa, Mohawks, men with tattoos and piercings, Chuck Taylor’s, five hour daily talks with Adam, the uncanny valley, Crispy’s recaps and translations, the taste of envelope glue, back rubs, wearing jeans with no undies, lollypops, bluntness, sleeping naked, AIM, exclamation marks!!!, bubblegum and claw machines, going to see live shows, Johnny’s restaurant, surprises, my Viagra pens, getting things in the mail, musicals, toast with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff, candles and incense, fan artsies, children, Pee-wee Herman, video games, snakes and other scaly things, nudity, photographs/photography, Tourette’s syndrome, hair pulling, math and programming, wrestling in high school, correct grammar and punctuation, playing tennis, being obnoxious, and tacky jewelry.
  • NOT INTO: Tommy the green Power Ranger, ignorant people, diets, fat people who wear clothes that are too small, complainers, women’s attitudes today, makeup, girly girls, being bladder shy, the sound of sex, bad Chinese food, feet, jealousy, waking up before noon, apple sauce, people who play the sympathy card, kids having kids, headaches, rap and country music, bright lights, soda, impatient IMers, people who can’t sing but think they can, crazy stalker people, mustard, paper cuts, poorly done tattoos, and your mom.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Rainbows, Columbus, Vinton County, Rusty reading to me, musicals, my itty bitty group of friends, watching people break bones, homo milk, Tsutar’s art, sleeping naked, my Xbox LIVE friends, the sound of scissors cutting construction paper, sitting at home and cuddling up with someone, watching local shows, my bed, sunshine, sunshine on my bed, Artemidoris being in Columbus with me, Rubik’s Cubes, my Chuck collection, my Rebel, my life!!!
  • MAKES ME SAD: Chillicothe, bad music, bright lights, annoying sounds, trees being marked for cutting, assholes on Xbox LIVE, losing my puppy dog, snow and ice, winter, septum ring infections, my big bed being so big and empty.
  • HOBBIES: Downloading DOS games, wasting time, singing obnoxiously, buying things off the internet, drawing, solving Rubik’s Cubes, wasting more time.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, love, tea, ganja and video games. :]
  • VICES: Junk food and the monthly soda beverage I consume. Oh and possibly venti, iced, skinny, caramel Macchiatos from Starbucks.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Playing ’round on the web, doin’ art, dancing around in my undies, pwnin’ newbies on CoD, making various arts and crafts, playing around with my canine and feline pals, watching TV, and various other things.

Get to know Rainbow better over at!

May 2011 16

Lyxzen Suicide in A Sunny Day In Portland

  • INTO: Always: good company, food experiments, walking anywhere and everywhere, cat snuggles, the public library, taking photos at inappropriate times. Lately: sweets like you would NOT believe, Katy Perry’s boobs, asking questions.
  • NOT INTO: Dishonesty, apathy, ignorance.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Serotonin, dopamine, ampersands, a fully-stocked kitchen, and sunshine.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Feeling lost.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: lip balm, my pillow, peppermint tea, fruit, and words.
  • VICES: Miami.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Eating Peanut Butter Pows.

Get to know Lyxzen better over at!

May 2011 13

Kewpie Suicide in Twinkle

  • INTO: Nerds, people who are pretty on the inside, and texting.
  • NOT INTO: Jocks, bros, meatheads, Republicans, driving, the texture of chalupas, and the bottom of pizza.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My girlfriend, my bunny, buying new underwear, reading, learning, and spending time with my BFF Dillan.
  • MAKES ME SAD: When people purposely make me jealous, when people are picked on, Republicans, when people make jokes about eating my bunny, waking up early, following a routine and way they messed up the Eragon movie.
  • HOBBIES: Reading, singing, painting, photography, dancing (badly), cooking, and decorating cakes.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Chapstick, vodka, somebody to snuggle, technology, and an artistic outlet.
  • VICES: Dessert, vodka, and snuggling 🙂
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Watching Netflicks with a bottle of wine and my girl.

Get to know Kewpie better over at!

May 2011 12

Casiopea Suicide in Bella Luz

  • INTO: Books, high heels, dance, great music, good friends, pets, fruits, chocolate, work, modeling, travel, fairy tales and happy endings.
  • NOT INTO: Violence of any kind!
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, a good book, my mommy, my kitties, great music, my family, movies, latex, chocolate, good sex, hot and sunny days, my home, travel.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Rainy and cold days, liars, cheaters.
  • HOBBIES: Reading.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My family, music, books, phone, and internet.
  • VICES: I´m a total shopaholic.

Get to know Casiopea better over at!

May 2011 11

Aisline Suicide in Strawberries and Cream

  • INTO: Girls, movies, night time, awkwardness, saying inappropriate things, the beach, sunsets and sunrises, dancing, dancing around in my underwear, laughing at my own jokes, being the only one laughing at my own jokes, boobs, ruining everything I try to cook and making people pretend they enjoyed eating it, heavily tattooed girls and boys.
  • NOT INTO: Big crowds, people I don’t know touching me, mirrors, drugs, being cold.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Warm weather, music, driving around aimlessly, late nights, early mornings.
  • MAKES ME SAD: People with no morals, people with no common sense, people who can’t act in public, disrespect, greed, poverty and John Mayer.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: IPod, Blackberry, laptop, a steady internet connection, and my family/cats.
  • VICES: Sour candies.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Trying to take over the world.

Get to know Aisline better over at!

May 2011 10

Cheri Suicide in Havin’ A Splash

  • INTO: Photography, dancing, art, music, movies, tattoos.
  • NOT INTO: Haters, negativity.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Sunshine, good shows, beer, meeting new people, animals, traveling, relaxing.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Narrow minds, being broke, ignorant rednecks.
  • HOBBIES: Skateboarding, painting, watching/playing music, getting baked, going out and dancing.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: IPhone, my dog, skateboard, MacBook, mascara.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Hangin’ with my bros!

Get to know Cheri better over at!