Aug 2010 13

Rainbow Suicide in Alley Cat

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  • INTO: Green tea, chai tea, any other type of tea you could throw my way, music, hugs, Wicca, pain, cuddling, bright colors, boys, looking at girls, System of a Down, rainbows, getting bitten and biting, the gorgon Medusa, mohawks, men with tattoos and piercings, Chuck Taylors, five hour daily talks with Adam, the uncanny valley, Crispy’s recaps and translations, the taste of envelope glue, back rubs, wearing jeans with no undies, lollypops, bluntness, sleeping naked, AIM, exclamation marks!!!, watching people break bones, bubblegum and claw machines, homo milk, going to see live shows, Johnny’s restaurant, surprises, my Viagra pens, getting things in the mail, musicals, toast with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff, candles and incense, fan artsies, children, Pee-wee Herman, video games, snakes and other scaly things, nudity, photographs/photography, Tourettes syndrome, hair pulling, math and programming, wrestling in high school, correct grammar and punctuation, the sound of scissors cutting construction paper, playing tennis, being obnoxious and tacky jewelry.
  • NOT INTO: Tommy the green Power Ranger, ignorant people, diets, fat people who wear clothes that are too small, complainers, womens attitudes today, makeup, girly girls, being bladder shy, the sound of sex, bad Chinese food, feet, jealousy, waking up before noon, applesauce, people who play the sympathy card, kids having kids, headaches, rap and country music, bright lights, trees being marked for cutting, assholes on Xbox LIVE, my mom, soda, impatient IMers, people who can’t sing but think they can, crazy stalker people from SG, mustard, papercuts, poorly done tattoos and your mom.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Rainbows, Columbus, Vinton County, Rusty reading to me, musicals, my itty bitty group of friends, watching people break bones, homo milk, Tsutar’s art, sleeping naked, my Xbox LIVE friends, sound of scissors cutting construction paper, sitting at home and cuddling up with someone, watching local shows, my bed, sunshine, sunshine on my bed, Artemidoris being in Columbus with me, Rubik’s Cubes, my Chuck collection, my Rebel, my life!!!
  • MAKES ME SAD: Chillicothe, bad music, bright lights, annoying sounds, trees being marked for cutting, assholes on Xbox LIVE, losing my puppy dog, snow and ice, winter, septum ring infections, my big bed being so big and empty.
  • HOBBIES: Downloading DOS games, wasting time, singing obnoxiously, buying things off the internet, drawing, solving Rubik’s Cubes, wasting more time.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My friends, green tea, music, hugs and love.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Playing ’round on the web, doin’ art, dancing around in my undies, walking around the many malls of Columbus.

Get to know Rainbow Suicide better over at!

Aug 2010 12

Buffy Suicide in Simplest Love

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  • INTO: Tattoos. Music. Movies. Nature. Fishing. Camping. Baseball. Summer time. The ocean. Traveling.
  • NOT INTO: Shopping and complaining about things that can’t be changed.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: The things I said I am into make me happy. Also, meeting good people…because it’s rare these days.
  • MAKES ME SAD: When someone I love is sad. Stealing and cheating.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Money. Food. Chapstick. My Mom. Sports.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Doing whatever I want to do!

Get to know Buffy better over at!

Aug 2010 11

Pia Suicide in Fluor Love

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  • HOBBIES: bicycling
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: weed! beer! sex! chocolate! tea!
  • VICES: weed
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME:smoking and making love

Get to know Pia better over at!

Aug 2010 10

Malloreigh Suicide in Sauced

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  • INTO: Ethical (local, cruelty-free) consumption, dancing, politics, late-night adventures, flirting, climbing trees and buildings, firsts, shared experiences, laughing, unusual connections, logic (formal and informal), cultural/social/ethical theory, politics, saving the world.
  • NOT INTO: “With great power comes great responsibility” unless you’re a multinational corporate entity, then you’ve got a free pass to fuck everyone without their consent. I don’t believe in that shit.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: New people, kitchens with couches in, learning, passionate weather, breakups, anything that makes apathetic people feel alive, riding my bike really fast at night, crushes, dive bars with vegan options, books and movies that change the way I put words together.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Grumpiness, apathy, too much makeup, unrecognized privilege combined with political zeal, not having any text messages when I come out of class.
  • HOBBIES: Self-analysis, efficiency, the internet, cooking, conversation.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT:Glasses/contact lenses (-7.5L, -6.75R), my camera, my bicycle (51cm/9kg fixed gear conversion), Lush Aromacreme, contact with other human beings.
  • VICES: Staying up all night with girls who are bad for me.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free time is not a concept I use. All of my time is free time; I try not to dedicate any of my time to things I don’t want to be doing. It follows that I am always financially lacking, but happy; and I rarely skip class. A good sign.

Get to know Malloreigh better over at!

Aug 2010 09

Abiss Suicide & Ginary Suicide in Amor et Psyche

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  • INTO: Myself
  • HOBBIES: Sex, modelling, travelling, studying languages, …
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Air, food, water, sun, sex, love, my wardrobe, my phone, discoveries, and so on… You said 5??
  • VICES: Venality, superficiality, egocentrism, narcissism.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Studying languages and absorbing love.


  • INTO:lingerie,reading,traveling,sex,movies,Bettie Paige,wine,relaxing,my cats, music,nymphomania and tattoos….sleeping,dreaming….the little things sometimes….meeting new people that share my same interests as well… lingerie /naked parties when Im in the mood,online shopping,multi sets,lust and desire,my lingerie collection
  • NOT INTO: rude customers….non tippers at a bar
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Sex,lingerie,having good days at work,playing mario on my Wii, sleeping, bottled water,eating, photography, being loved (:being at home hiding for a quiet evening and a nice glass of wine.
  • MAKES ME SAD: People who dont take no for a answer, People who steal from their friends, not having sex,losing things
  • HOBBIES: collecting lingerie, receiving lingerie, sex..
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Garter belt and fishnet stockings, chapstick,Bottled Water, my macbook and sex
  • VICES: shopping,women,wine,worrying too much
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: going online, playing wii, listening to music,trying to have sex,reading,thinking,sleeping,watching movies…looking at pictures..dreaming of a better tomorrow

Get to know Abiss Ginary better over at!

Aug 2010 06

Oro Suicide & Aisline Suicide in Love Like Kittens

[Click the header for BIG!]


  • NOT INTO: Humans in general.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Whiskey, getting tattooed, sleeping well, learning, friends, literature, beautiful women, pirates, going on a carousel ultra fucking drunk, old cars and bikes, raspberry sorbet, music, halloween, multiple orgasms, sports, sunny days, hockey n’ beer, fights n’ beer, chicks n’ beer, being naked, Buddha, big dogs beating up very small and hairy barking rats, every kind of art, traveling, awesome movies, Mother Nature, my cat, respect, camping, traveling, wet willy-ing my big brothers, being lazy, being cynical without any particular reason, irish coffee, people with good souls and values (pretty rare nowadays), …
  • MAKES ME SAD: Biting my tongue, stupidity, hesitation, Christmas music.
  • HOBBIES: Car body working, welding, painting, modeling, bartending, bitching.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT:Glasses, black coffee, music, knife pocket, vibrator.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Not answering the phone, painting, losing important stuff, LAUGHING, touching myself, trying to cook something good to eat that won’t get you blind, day dreaming, reading, having fun…


  • INTO: Girls, Movies, Nightime, Akwardness, Saying inappropriate things, The beach, Sunsets & Sunrises, Dancing, Dancing around in my underwear, Laughing at my own jokes, Being the only one laughing at my own jokes. Boobs, Ruining everything I try to cook and making people pretend they enjoyed eating it, heavily tattooed girls & boys.
  • NOT INTO: Big Crowds, People I don’t know touching me, Mirrors, Drugs, Being cold.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Warm weather, Music, Driving around aimlessly, Late nights, Early mornings.
  • MAKES ME SAD: People with no morals. People with no common sense, People who can’t act in public, Disrespect, Greed, Poverty & John Mayer.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Ipod, Blackberry, Laptop, a steady internet connection and my family/cats
  • VICES: Sour candies
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Trying to take over the world

Get to know Oro Suicide & Aisline Suicide better over at!

Aug 2010 04

Persephone Suicide in Possessed

  • INTO: Traveling, food, painting, dreaming, extreme weather, robots, animals, insects, nature, carnivorous plants, herbivorous animals, tepuis, rainforests, latin america, shoes, sparkles, science, space, books, documentaries, photography, mannequins, water, kombucha, friends, family, cats, video games, interociters, cinnamon, coconut, my mom.
  • NOT INTO: Being sick, injured animals, people who do drugs or drink too much, squashed bugs, vomiting, hot weather, menstrual cramps, loud people, most people in general, crowds, being hungry.
  • HOBBIES: Painting, reading, traveling, interenetting, photography, eating.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: my cats, art, food, water, friends
  • VICES: Internets.

Get to know Persephone better over at!