by Tara Diane
I really love this project, contact paper décor, because it’s great if you’re renting or living somewhere short term and want to jazz up the walls. If you’re renting you probably don’t want to paint, since you’ll just have to paint over it when you leave, and probably don’t want to spend a bunch of money on vinyl wall decals that cost a fuck-ton and aren’t reusable. These aren’t reusable either, but they only cost $6 worth of contact paper and an hour of your time. So… on with the tutorial!
by Nathalie Moody
Jealousy. Why was this emotion created in the master-planning of the emotions? There must be some involvement from the devil here. He must get off with twisted satisfaction as the most rational and mature lot of us, struggle to ignore the evilness of this illogical envy! It creeps under our skin and skews are sense of reality. Jealousy can distract us from moving on, moving forward and functioning as a rational human being.
By Edward Kelly
As a kid, I always had a thing for sidekicks. I favored Robin over Batman, Impulse over The Flash, The Genie over Aladdin, Thud Butt over Rufio (from “Hook” and, if you got that reference, any chance you want to be BFFs, like, right away?).
It made playing backyard games with the neighborhood kids really simple. While everyone argued over who got to be Leonardo or Raphael, I was happily off to the side as Michelangelo, swinging my very-much-DIY, cardboard-toilet-paper-rolls-held-together-with-string nunchucks.
Yulia Suicide in Don’t Panic

- INTO: adventures, art, open-mindedness, feminism, danger, smiles, laughter, Eastern Europe, solo naked dance parties in my bedroom, group naked dance parties in anyone’s bedroom
- NOT INTO: rudeness, intolerance, inequality, ignorance, abuse of any kind, negativity, pessimists, elitists, poor basic hygiene, boredom
- MAKES ME HAPPY: the ocean
- MAKES ME SAD: stupidity
- HOBBIES: painting, writing, dancing, sewing, cuddling, learning to play or at least dabble on various instruments, philosophizing, learning new things, cooking, taking photos of water and clouds and urban decay
- VICES: hair dye. Parliaments. your boobs!
Get to know Yulia better over at!

“SuicideGirls: Beauty Redefined” is our 396 page hardcover tribute to the stunning SuicideGirls from around the world. The images are collected by region and represent the most beautiful nude images of the SuicideGirls from the past 8 years.
This massive tome comes with a discreet black cover that would look good on any coffee table. All copies sold through SG will come signed by Missy Suicide.
Get it HERE!
by Jay Hathaway
So, let’s say you’re a woman, and you’d like to be paid more for your job. You’re obviously not going to go in and ask for a raise unprepared, so you’ll have to get ready. What’s the first thing you should do? Review your work and compile a list of accomplishments that show how good you are at your job? Wrong. Add up all the times you’ve saved your boss’s ass? Sorry, wrong again.
Nope. You need to douche. Preferably with Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash.
by Angelita
I’m not the most technical minded person in the world; if my laptop so much as makes one irregular noise I start crying for my tech savvy boy toy to fix it. Yet, even in my, “I still like to read a paper-based newspaper” world, I cannot overemphasize the importance of Net Neutrality.
What is Net Neutrality, you ask? There are several different definitions but this is the simplest: All sources of data are treated equally by internet service providers. Thus, no website gets preferential treatment; every website appears on your screen the same be it the site of a major international corporation or a mommy blog based in Nebraska. In other words, it’s the only type of internet you’ve ever known.