by Nicole Powers
This Sunday (9/12) on SuicideGirls Radio our very special in-studio guest will be original Guns N’ Roses drummer and Celebrity Rehab alum, Steven Adler, who recently rocked the Sunset Strip Music Festival with his new band Adler’s Appetite. We’ll be talking about his storied life, as told in his recently published memoir, My Appetite for Destruction. Tune in for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let your moma listen in!
by Damon Martin
“Save the cheerleader, save the world”
It seemed like such a winnable premise. A comic book come to life on the small screen, with genuine comic book writers being an integral part of it all, and a television network willing to sink time, money and production into the series to make sure it’s a winner. That’s the beginning that was the hit series Heroes, which soon became the dwindling ratings show Heroes, and is now the canceled TV show Heroes. How did a show with so much promise and critical acclaim become such a superpowered fail for NBC??
by Pandie Suicide
Welcome to a new series of “Brief Histories”, where I attempt to tell you a little about the history of certain aspects of heavy music, condensed into 600 words or less. If you have any suggestions of further topics to discuss please leave a comment here on the blog, here, or here.
But for today’s topic: Headbanging.
That heavy metal tradition of sore necks and long locks swirling around in the air to the tune of a frenzied double kick and wailing, crushing guitars, known as “headbanging,” is described by Wikipedia as “a type of dance which involves violently shaking the head in time with music, most commonly rock music and heavy metal music.” As this instructional article, on “How to Headbang” will tell you, there are several different styles of headbanging, such as the “windmill” and the “headslam.”
Benten Suicide in I Am Not A Model

- INTO: taking photographs, having a big camera, roboraptor, tyranids (esp genestealers, kickass), shiny things, technology, lizards, transformers, lipgloss, kohl liner, biting my nails, having bad hair(even though i wish it was good), vienese slices, hot baths, money, lego, velociraptors, photoshop, my heater, penguins, Foxgloves, dior, industrial flooring, stairs, breaking and entering, knives, gerbils, aqua raiders, heights, cardassia prime, crayola, bats, origami, darts, skinks, spontaneous kisses, studio lighting, my new duck, fake nails, leopard prints, carbon, junk food, going to mcdonalds and causing a scene if they can’t offer me a vegetarian option, downloading videogame soundtracks from frostwire so i dont have to pay 30 odd quid to import them from japan, collecting stuff, brown paper, wearing huge stompy boots, the aroma of disinfectant, dvd releases of cartoons after huge copyright arguments for 2 decades, narcissism, spending too much time on the internet, pornography featuring women who look like barbie dolls with huge fake tits and white blonde hair who know how to fuck and make it sexy…
- NOT INTO: Early mornings, the freezing cold, going to bed, playstation 3, apologising, cheap haircuts, running out of tea, people who add smileys or ‘lols’ to the ends of sentences all the fucking time when what they wrote isnt fucking funny
- MAKES ME HAPPY: breakfast in bed, late night walks, spontaneity, receiving letters, going to the seaside, building lego, the thought of a sequel to Nights into Dreams
- MAKES ME SAD: ignorance, intolerance, lightroom, my broken control button
- HOBBIES: computer games, photography, painting, drawing, building tyranids, collecting anything and everything, making lists
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT:eyeliner, my computer, tea, mr.white, penguins
- VICES: Biting my nails. ice pops, hair straighteners, turning the radiators up, apologising, lists, chain drinking tea, mjd, narcissism, my iPhone, rose wine
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: playing computer games, harassing my friends on the internet, generally being a loser and trying to cover it up with makeup, jewellery and fine clothes.
Get to know Benten better over at!