by Ryan Stewart
“If you want to live a rock star lifestyle, that’s your prerogative.”
– Jonah Hill
Famously discovered by Dustin Hoffman, whose children were fans of his one-man plays in Manhattan’s East Village, Jonah Hill was already going places in the comedy business when he had the good fortune to acquire a second mentor in comedy mogul Judd Apatow — the rest is history.
After killing with smallish parts in Apatow-directed comedies The 40 Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up, the acerbic young comedian (then 24) landed a lead role specifically tailored to his strengths in Superbad, a teen bromance more foul-mouthed and uninhibited than any of the ’80s comedies that inspired it.
by Brett Warner
“The history of all previous societies has been the history of class struggle.” – Karl Marx
“It’s always about the money, isn’t it?” – Coach Eric Taylor
There is a scene late in the fourth season of NBC’s Friday Night Lights in which a sixteen year-old high school student named Becky Sproles confronts the football team’s star running back, Luke Cafferty, with some bad news: “I’m pregnant, and it’s yours, and I need an abortion…It’s really expensive, it’s like $300. And I don’t have all of it right now, but I can come up with half if you can come up with the other half.”
Television critics were quick to praise the show for its brave pro-choice stance, but Friday Night Lights adheres consistently to its “quasi-Marixst understanding that economics dictate everything.” (Ginia Bellafante, NY Times) Despite their clear eyes and full hearts, the residents of fictional working class town Dillon, Texas wind up losing quite a bit over the course of four football seasons; their televised drama reflects the struggles, worries, and economic woes of a significant percentage of the United States for whom the recession is far from over.
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