by Brett Warner
The Girl Who Played With Fire – the second film in the series based on Stieg Larsson’s best-selling “Milennium” Trilogy – arrived in stores on DVD and Blu-Ray this week. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets’ Nest will be in select theaters this Friday, though you’re unlikely to hear much about it because the name on everybody’s lips is not Swedish director Daniel Alfredson, or even the late Mr. Larsson himself – it’s David Fincher. The Fight Club and Seven auteur is currently filming a big-budget, Hollywood remake of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo with young actor Rooney Mara (aka Mark Zuckerberg’s fabricated girlfriend in The Social Network) replacing Swedish actress Noomi Rapace in the role of Lisbeth Salander, valued Hot Topic customer and computer hacker extraordinaire. With the films finally seeing a stateside release and the books available at every book store, grocery store, and drug store in the country, it begs the question: Why do we need this? Along with this year’s Let Me In, why does the world need an American remake based on a fantastic film based on a very readable book? Does the same imperialist, We’re Number One mentality that informs our country’s foreign policy also dictate the movies we produce, or are we simply just as dumb as the big studio producers seem to think we are?
by Tara Diane
So I really like to have personalized, silly drinking memorabilia. In honor of that, I dressed up in my Halloween costume and put together this tutorial on how to make custom flask covers! They are super easy to make and make great gifts for friends who you want to cheap out on while still giving them something neat. Or twenty-first birthday binge night drinking gifts, bachelor/ette parties, you get the idea ;]
by Fred Topel
“I hope one day Poison will make another record.”
– Bret Michaels
Reality TV rarely represents anything viewers would recognize as actual reality. The Bachelor uses real people but puts them in a dating pageant that never seems to result in any actual marriages. Survivor drops them on an island where no one’s life is actually at risk, and it’s just a popularity contest in the end.
Milloux Suicide in H2O

- INTO: Murder By Death, forensics, film editing, sleeping, Siouxsie, the art of soap operas, country music, Cute Cannibals, claymation, reading upside-down, crying babies, painting, track bikes/cruisers, real emo, playing shows, Steampunk, and Satan.
- HOBBIES: Making movies, making music, making faces, making pictures, making cakes, making sex, Merc, buying mice, buying fish, buying Chapstick, riding bikes, riding my bike again, riding dudes, working on bikes, [not] working out, working my hips?
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My dog [Siouxsie], water, computer, avocados, dental floss.
- VICES: I have none.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping and/or on my bike.
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