Klodi Suicide in You’re All I Want

- INTO: Efficiency, freedom, chaos, anarchy, savagery, legerity.
- NOT INTO: Self-pity.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Divine moments of truth.
- MAKES ME SAD: Self-pity.
- HOBBIES: Modeling.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Without new experience.
Get to know Klodi better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter, Tumblr, and MySpace and they win a free 3 month membership to SuicideGirls.com.
Check out this weeks winners!
by Nicole Powers
In an era when certain segments of society are desperately trying to bust out of the closet, longtime Newswire contributor Dave Anthony (better known to SG readers as FearTheReaper) is spending an inordinate amount of time in one with his best buddy – comedian and He’s Just Not That Into You co-author Greg Behrendt. However there’s nothing repressed or suppressed about what they do together in the confined space.
By Malloreigh
The leather dilemma is a contentious one for vegans. Many new vegans, upon “making the switch,” worry whether they’re expected to throw away their pre-vegan leather items – belts, shoes, jackets – and buy vegan alternatives. Many old vegans, myself included, break vegan belt after vegan belt and wonder whether we’re expected to keep buying crappy vinyl each year until the day we die.
Isn’t that wasteful? Doesn’t that go against the spirit of veganism? Yes, probably, and creating more trash is just the cherry on the top of the consumer culture cupcake. Furthermore, vinyl, as a synthetic substance, won’t – common sense informs us – biodegrade as easily as an organic like leather would. So if vegans are such environmentalists, what’s the solution?
by Nicole Powers
“I don’t like taking any cock out.”
– Johnny Knoxville
The new Jackass feature film is spectacularly shitty – in an awesomely gross kind of way. And because it’s shot in 3D, the excrement literally comes flying right at you, giving the MTV-rooted franchise the opportunity to connect with its audience in a whole new, and yet familiarly meaningless way.
Delia Suicide in Cute Socks

- INTO: Dance, writing, music, theatre, theology, psychology, classic cars, the 1940s, respect, acceptance, love.
- NOT INTO: Negativity, judgment, stereotypes, ignorance, alcohol, people trying to define “beauty.”
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My nephews and nieces, dance, dance, dance and more dance, new dance shoes, texting, cuddling, kissing, “I love you” texts, holding hands.
- MAKES ME SAD: Empty beds, losing people I love.
- HOBBIES: Dance, writing, reading.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Dance, music, family, friends, books.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Online, dancing around my room, sleeping, daydreaming.
Get to know Delia better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Tara Diane
So this was definitely a new experiment for me, but I think they turned out pretty well! I wanted to make something that looked really unappealing and tasted really good, and I feel like that was accomplished in the creepy eyeball recipe below :]