by Suri Suicide

Artist/SG Member Name: Sundae Suicide
Mission Statement: “I live in Israel, the country of great humus and endless politic conflicts. Non of that actually had any impact on me creatively, though I do love humus. It’s just that drawing was always a thing I did. Since I don’t have an unusual, fancy, interesting life, I make it happen through pen and paper. I’ve never have a “muse” or a vision. I can actually go months without drawing because I just can’t. I get my inspiration through dreams, things that happen around me, my (very troubled) relationships, drugs, mental states and so on…My sketchbook is like my diary, the story of my life – which can sometimes be really crappy and lame, but I try anyway. “
By SG’s Team Agony
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Morgan in Green Like Cash]
Q. A few months ago I had a boyfriend. We had a long distance relationship for eight months. I went to his country to meet up with him twice, and he promised me he’d come visit me this year. However, a month after I got back from seeing him, he stopped sending emails and answering the phone, and so on. It was like he died. After I spoke with his friends, he sent an email saying, “I’m sorry but I like anther person and I cannot be with you like before.” I asked him to explain and said I wanted to be his friend, but this was in July and he still hasn’t responded. It makes me very sad. I write emails to him and try to find out how he’s doing, but he won’t communicate with me. I understand that love can die, but what is his problem with being friends? I think he is wonderful person and I still love him a lot. I only wanna be his friend.
I feel alone and sad. I don’t love myself a lot, but he made me feel good. I try to work and study a lot, but I cry everyday. I wanna cry in class and I don’t know what I should do. How I can talk with him? And how can I feel good about myself again? What I can do?
by Nicole Powers
“There’s something inherently scary about kissing a cannibal.”
– Diablo Cody
“I constantly want to feel like I’m in danger,” says author and screenwriter Diablo Cody during our interview. This statement reveals a lot when you consider Cody’s resume. She punctuated a rather mundane series of office jobs by moonlighting as a stripper, phone sex worker, and a peep show girl. While still working for “the man” she documented her experiences in the sex industry in a very public space — a popular blog called Pussy Ranch. Subsequently she penned a full-blown memoir, entitled Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper, which was published by Penguin imprint Gotham Books.
Marianne Suicide in On Top

- INTO: Toasters and flan.
- NOT INTO: Prime numbers.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Music with brass instruments.
- MAKES ME SAD: ASPCA commercials!
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Cartoons, love, music, pot, and my blankie.
- VICES: Vices backwards is Seciv.
Get to know Marianne better over at!