by Blogbot
Sanrio, which is most famous for its super cute Hello Kitty character, is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, the Japanese novelty company has been touring a special exhibition entitled Small Gift, which stopped off in Los Angeles this past week.
The event is of particular interest to SucideGirls’ community of Hello Kitty aficionados, since it features an original piece of art – especially commissioned for the event – from one of our own, Mrs Misha (see picture).
by Brian Johnson
There are many opportunities to have an extraordinary experience that can transcend your expectations of a traditional event. Case in point, my adventures at an Erasure show – featuring UK crooner Andy Bell and synth-pop legend Vincent Clarke (very formerly of Depeche Mode, Yazoo, and The Assembly) – during their Phantasmagorical Entertainment tour of 1992.
When it was announced that a residency of ten nights would descend upon the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles, my extreme state of fandom naturally predetermined that I would attend a minimum of five nights. This was not an option (in my mind) as per usual with the bands I’m into, it was a mandate that would lead me to an experience that I would still be talking about a mere 18 years later…
by Ryan Stewart
“If you met yourself in person, would you see only faults?”
-Duncan Jones
If the new film Moon puts you in mind of David Bowie’s lyrical, space-is-a-lonely-place ballad, “Space Oddity,” that’s probably not a total coincidence – it was directed by his 38 year-old son, Duncan Jones, who formerly went under the much less conservative name, Zowie Bowie. After years of directing commercials and trying to move on from what he describes as a youth marked by isolation and periods of self-discovery, Jones has emerged with a new identity as a respected indie filmmaker.
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter, Tumblr, and MySpace and they win a free 3 month membership to
Check out this weeks winners!
Opaque Suicide in Lothlorien

- INTO: Forest gardening, crop circles, natural earth homes – cob cottages, human evolution of the spirit, living in balance with nature, people who take action and control of their own lives, healthy organic nourishment and sound food production practices, cyclical thought/living.
- NOT INTO: Unconscious consumption, genetically modified organisms/Monsanto, pesticides, knowledge but no action, broken natural cycles, mindless obedience, those who let others determine the sequence of their life, linear thought/living.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sunshine, stars, tea, friends, laughter, a warm sweater on a chilly day, good music, good food, homemade pie, ecologically minded humans, action, evolution, thought, but mostly elderberry wine.
- MAKES ME SAD: The abuse and destruction of our mother earth.
- HOBBIES: Reading, making things, cooking & baking like a whore.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Food, water, shelter – that’s only 3?
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Wondering what to do with it.
Get to know Opaque better over at!