Jan 2011 13

by Blogbot

Radeo Suicide is a self-identifying underwear addict. We challenged her to make a video showcasing her best purchases from 2010. This is the result:

Jan 2011 13

by SnakePlissken

I’m a pig. Not in an “all women should be in the kitchen making me a pie” way, or the “good lord your personal hygiene is questionable at best” sort either. Frankly I can make my own pie, and I give my undercarriage a tremendous amount of attention shower-wise. Some might argue to a degree that I carry the task beyond mere maintenance, but frankly I feel any job worth doing is worth doing right.

So what sort of pig am I? I’m more of the “you are what you eat” kind. Simply put, I’ve ate me some pig. Growing up in Iowa it was a food group along with corn, meth, and natural light. Summers full of bacon sandwiches and corn on the cob, and cold as shit winter evenings eating enough ham and potatoes to send you into a mild yet non-responsive coma. And, as in any tiny, shitty Iowa town – the kind so small they don’t even have a grocery store – there were at least ten places to get a tenderloin sandwich. But that’s for a different episode, for now I’m simply establishing my credentials in terms of my porkucation.


Jan 2011 13

by Alex Deuben

“If I have three hours, I definitely want to be gaming.”

– Felicia Day

For some of us, Felicia Day will always be Penny from “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog,” but that isn’t because she’s resting on her laurels. She’s an actor who starred in the recent Syfy channel movie Red, guest starred in the “Epitaph One” and “Epitaph Two” episodes of Dollhouse and will be appearing in the second half of the current season of Eureka on the Syfy channel in 2011. She also voiced a character in the recently released video game Fallout: New Vegas.


Jan 2011 13

Steffi Suicide in Like A Phoenix

  • INTO: Music, beer, shoe shopping, people who are still able to live and to love.
  • NOT INTO: Stupidity, religion, meat and vodka.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My dog, sunshine, driving fast in my car, especially while performing the latest punk rock version of a Backstreet Boys song.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Thinkin’ about this mad world full of rapists, pedophiles and poorness.
  • HOBBIES: Dancing, singing, drawing, tattooing, going out with friends.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Beer, high heels, love, music, cheese.
  • VICES: Smoking, driving too fast, chocolate, and drinking too much beer and whisky.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Outside with my dog or hanging around with friends.

Get to know Steffi better over at!