Jan 2011 24

by Brad Warner

I’ve been included in a Facebook group made up of people who are trying to plan my high school class’s reunion. I’ve never gone to any of the others – if there even were any others. I was living in Japan when they would have happened.

So last week on this FB group someone posted: “It’s Friday night, what would you have been doing on a Friday night in January back when we were in high school?” And people are posting stuff like they would’ve been out at a party at someone’s house, or with a bunch of friends doing donuts in the school parking lot or cruising by McDonald’s, which was the closest thing Wadsworth, Ohio had to a hang-out spot after the local Red Barn closed down (a prize to anyone who knows what a Red Barn was).


Jan 2011 24

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Eevie, Morgan and Fabrizia

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Eevie in Four Twenty]

Q: I have a female roommate whom I’ve lived with for a few months shy of 6 years. The kicker is the first two and a half of those years we were dating. Eventually we both realized we weren’t forever and had a very amicable break up. Since neither of us could afford to live alone, and we could obviously tolerate living together – we’re still great friends – we’ve continued being roommates (we even moved once and are planning another). While she’s been dating fairly regularly since our break-up, I’ve just recently started dating again (been working on me stuff). My question is this: when do I bring up the specifics of my living situation? I’ve been pretty open about my roommate being a lady, but can’t decide when it would be best to mention she is also my last girlfriend. Suggestions?


Jan 2011 24

by Nicole Powers

“The thing you loved as a kid is the thing you should do when you grow up.”
– Larry Charles

Real Time comedian Bill Maher and Borat director Larry Charles are men on a mission: to destroy society’s blind faith in God. The medium they chose to convey their doctrine is not a dusty old book, but an entertaining documentary which highlights the ridiculous aspects of religion, hence its name, Religulous.


Jan 2011 24

Alectro Suicide in Creative Destruction

  • INTO: Days off, sweets, art in any form, candles, loud music.
  • NOT INTO: Close-minded people, doing dishes, going to the dentist, negativity.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Down time with my loved ones, smiles, surprises..
  • MAKES ME SAD: Time.
  • HOBBIES: Baking, painting, rocking out, researching.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Conditioner, wine, pillows, blush, iPod.
  • VICES: Purchasing anything I find Cute.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Watching documentaries, painting, shopping, listening to music.

Get to know Alectro better over at!