Aerion Suicide in Cameo Jack

- INTO: Tattoos, piercings, photography, music, hiking, travel, art, beauty, interior design, pink stuff, polka dots, vintage inspired fashion, fashion in general, fireworks, things that fly, and dancing.
- NOT INTO: Liars, druggies, or over-all shitty people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Family, friends, shopping, art, coffee, music, travel, rain.
- MAKES ME SAD: Suffering, heartbreak, lies.
- HOBBIES: Photography, painting, fashion, interior design.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sugarfree Red Bull, dancing, cigarettes, spell check my sketchbook.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Doing photography, doing school work, browsing the internet, hanging out with friends at the coffee shop, and spending time with the fam.
Get to know Aerion better over at!
by Brad Warner
I’ve been included in a Facebook group made up of people who are trying to plan my high school class’s reunion. I’ve never gone to any of the others – if there even were any others. I was living in Japan when they would have happened.
So last week on this FB group someone posted: “It’s Friday night, what would you have been doing on a Friday night in January back when we were in high school?” And people are posting stuff like they would’ve been out at a party at someone’s house, or with a bunch of friends doing donuts in the school parking lot or cruising by McDonald’s, which was the closest thing Wadsworth, Ohio had to a hang-out spot after the local Red Barn closed down (a prize to anyone who knows what a Red Barn was).
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Eevie, Morgan and Fabrizia
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Eevie in Four Twenty]
Q: I have a female roommate whom I’ve lived with for a few months shy of 6 years. The kicker is the first two and a half of those years we were dating. Eventually we both realized we weren’t forever and had a very amicable break up. Since neither of us could afford to live alone, and we could obviously tolerate living together – we’re still great friends – we’ve continued being roommates (we even moved once and are planning another). While she’s been dating fairly regularly since our break-up, I’ve just recently started dating again (been working on me stuff). My question is this: when do I bring up the specifics of my living situation? I’ve been pretty open about my roommate being a lady, but can’t decide when it would be best to mention she is also my last girlfriend. Suggestions?
by Nicole Powers
“The thing you loved as a kid is the thing you should do when you grow up.”
– Larry Charles
Real Time comedian Bill Maher and Borat director Larry Charles are men on a mission: to destroy societys blind faith in God. The medium they chose to convey their doctrine is not a dusty old book, but an entertaining documentary which highlights the ridiculous aspects of religion, hence its name, Religulous.
Alectro Suicide in Creative Destruction

- INTO: Days off, sweets, art in any form, candles, loud music.
- NOT INTO: Close-minded people, doing dishes, going to the dentist, negativity.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Down time with my loved ones, smiles, surprises..
- HOBBIES: Baking, painting, rocking out, researching.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Conditioner, wine, pillows, blush, iPod.
- VICES: Purchasing anything I find Cute.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Watching documentaries, painting, shopping, listening to music.
Get to know Alectro better over at!
by Brandon Perkins
In the previous installment of our futuristic fiction series, Please Use Rear Exit, Mikhail, who has recently x-ed his GF (Katya), ventures out for his first major post-break up night on the tiles with the boys (Chevy and Jayson). After kicking off the night’s drinking spree at the #720’s main terminal, Mikhail gets separated from his buddies thanks to his bladder’s need for relief. The evening will subsequently take an unexpected turn after an encounter with an Internet Goddess – but first Mikhail must reunite with his friends…
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter and Tumblr, and they win a free 3 month membership to It really does get harder and harder to choose a favorite…
Check out this weeks winners!