In Focus: The Photographers of SuicideGirls feat. DarrylDarko10
Posted In All Things SG,Art,Blog,Photography
by Nahp Suicide
DarrylDarko has been a photographer for SuicideGirls since 2009. He lives in San Jose, California and has been working on an interesting SG side project called “A Day With A Suicide Girl.” So far he’s shot Rambo and Carrina for this series.
How did you first get involved with SuicideGirls?
I had known about SuicideGirls for a really long time, and the site has always drawn me in one way or another, but I didn’t get involved with the site until I found Saint, on Model Mayhem. I had never really thought about seriously shooting for the site until I met her and after a first initial test shoot we decided to shoot a set. That set, luckily was bought and kind of started my road down the SuicideGirls path. However, it would be awhile though before things really got rolling.
What’s your background photography-wise?
I’m almost completely self-taught, other than taking a few courses from some community colleges. I had been shooting for a while already, and they were basic courses I kinda felt I would benefit from to kind of put a bit of structure to all the information I already knew. Looking back, I kind of wish I had gone to something a bit more interactive and challenging than just those courses, but something about art school classes was off-putting.
What was the first photo you had published?
I had entered the Crossroads Trading Company fashion contest with this shot. It won an “Honorable Mention” and they bought the rights to it. At some point in the future after that happened, one of my friends told me to that they were using it at Crossroads stores in Portland as a poster so that was pretty cool at the time.
How would you describe your style?
It’s funny how shooting for the site has changed my style. I used to be more into outlandish ideas and wanting to really shoot stuff that was just “different.” With SG sets, I do like the idea of trying to capture the girl as naturally as possible, that’s why I kinda stay away from pinup-ish poses because that’s not the girl, that would be more of an act they’re doing. I’m trying to find a happy balance between the two. I’m still working on that.
What gear do you use?
I used to use a Canon 5D, but have switched to the 7D for the time being. I use 35mm, 50mm, and 24-105mm lenses. I want to go back to full-frame badly.
How important is Photoshop in your final images?
Fairly important. I’m able to give photos an extra punch and screw with the colors to make them stand out more, plus smooth out whatever flaws the picture may have, but I try to stay away from making things look fake.
What gives you ideas and inspires you to create such amazing sets?
I’d say some of the biggest inspirations are found on the site itself. Before I started shooting for the site Cymagen‘s personal work was a big factor in getting me to shoot more. Since I’ve been on site, Cherry, Sean and Vermelho were bigger influences. I also had a lot of inspiration from movies and music videos. What I really want to work on more is having a narrative to sets so they’re not just ‘a girl getting naked’ so I’ve been looking to more editorial shoots and photographers who specialize in that lately.
What is your favorite image?
[Above.] I don’t think I could narrow it down to just one but this one of Silvi is one of my favorites.
Tell us why it’s your fave and how you achieved it?
It’s one of my favorites because as an image it just seems so perfect. The light wraps around her body really nicely giving it this comforting “bathed in light” feel. This shot was achieved by light coming through the window in the front, but also there was light coming through a window on the left-hand side but it bounced off the ground, which was hard wood and gave it that nice side lighting. Some minor Photoshop enhancements and that’s what you get. The funny story about shooting this set was that when we arrived at the location I found that my camera’s battery was dead, despite me charging it the night before. Luckily my friend’s roomate had a Rebel and I was able to use that camera with one of my lenses. Everything worked out in the end.
Is there anybody or anything you would love to photograph that you haven’t? (And tell us why)
Yes, I have an entire list of girls on site that I’d love to shoot someday. I’ll just list three:
– 1. Patton – because she defines ‘blonde bombshell’ perfectly. I’ve been told I have a thing for blondes though…
– 2. Radeo – because she’s Radeo.
– 3. GoGo – she has this awesome presence in photos and is the perfect mix of a supermodel and SuicideGirl.
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