SuicideGirls Group Therapy: Delia On The Rose Garden2
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Love,Relationships,Sex,Society
by Blogbot
A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.
This week Delia tells us why the Rose Garden is such a beautiful place to visit.
Members: 196 [Private: For SGs Only] / Comments: 3,675
WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: Rose Garden is a great place for SGs to discuss their mental illnesses without fear of judgment. The girls are extremely supportive. We have all had different experiences with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc., and there is always someone within the group who has an encouraging word. It’s a great place for like-minded girls to speak freely about things that they normally would not talk about in their blogs or on the message boards.
DISCUSSION TIP: One of the most important things to be aware of is that group members can easily be triggered by posts, so it’s always advisable to add a trigger warning or a disclaimer if something could make a member uncomfortable. There is a lot of sensitive material posted, and we all trust that any member would never betray the confidence of the group.
MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: The “Say Anything” thread is a great place for the girls to vent out their frustrations in a hold-nothing-back fashion. There is also a thread dedicated to three positive things that happened during the day, to remind us to find joy in the little things and not focus so much on the negative aspects of life.
BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “I never promised you a rose garden…”
WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: It’s an SG-only group for girls who deal with mental illnesses including, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and schizophrenia. Ladies who would like to join should message Anarchie at the same time as applying and briefly explain why you’d like to join.